chapter 9

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Chris, Raymond, and I were all piled up in a rental that Raymond had gotten for us. Chris and I sat in the back while Raymond sat in the front talking on the phone.

We were on our way to a restaurant. I had talked to Chris and Raymond about the dancer who leaked a photo of him and I and she was fired and sent back home. This is a cut throat business. There is no room for messiness and pettiness around here.

"I can't believe ole girl had the nerve to do that. Ion know why some folks just be so mad over stupid shit. Like some of my fans just be downing people and people who don't like me be downing me so hard when i don't know them and never did nothing to them. Like I'm legit just out here living my life and getting money doing what I love." Chris said.

I couldn't lie, he spoke nothing but facts. It was true. People did seem to tend to be overly angry with celebrities who didn't even know they existed. Why were people like this? Like people swear up and down they hate Rihanna, Beyonce, and Nicki Minaj when they probably never even met these women in person and have never even spoken to them. These women work their asses off to make music for the masses and reach women from all over and thats really all the media should be concerned with. Honestly, so what if they're "overrated". They work hard to make music for their fans. They celebrate us melinated women and their music is relatable. So of course a lot of people love them.

"I get where you're coming from. Some people are just so concerned with what the next person is doing that they miss all their blessings." I said.

He nodded and gave an agreeing look. We pulled up to our destination and i was relieved. I was hungry and need of some liquor. I had to have at least 3 drinks a day to keep me sane. Lord knows what life would be like without liquor.

"You know what you gonna get?" Raymond asked me.

"Pasta salad with chicken." It was my favorite.

"Sounds good. I want the steak and fries." Raymond salivated over the thought. I swear he loves food more than I do. He be on some next level live to eat type shit.

"Imma get some numbers is what Imma get while I'm up in here." Chris said as he rubbed his hands together and gave a mischievous smirk.

I rolled my eyes as we walked in and were seated by the host. Chris eyed her breasts while she handed us our menus.

"Damn Chris is the menu on her cleavage." I joked once she walked away.

"Nope. But she got some nice titties." He licked his lips. Seeing him lick his lips made my pussy jump. I'm not sure why but ever since we came to this tour, my hormones have been through the roof. I'm starting to think maybe its my "whore moans" instead.

"Damn do you like what you see?" Chris caught me staring.

"No you just have a booger in your nose and a big ass pimple on your cheek." I smirked.

He picked up a spoon and started examining his face. "Liar!" He mugged me.

I chuckled as he rolled his eyes and started looking at the menu. Raymond eyed us and gave a look that I couldn't quite decipher.

"Stop flirting you two." He said.

"Man ain't nobody flirting with her. She not even my type. I like thin light skinned girls. Some of which she is neither of." He said rudely.

I jerked back as if I had been slapped. He was so fucking rude. Here I was just about to give him a chance and he goes and says more rude shit. I rolled my eyes and decided that maybe being friendly and cool with him wasn't an option and that I should just keep it formal and professional.

Our waiter came and took our orders. I ordered a vodka on the rocks. Thank god they let me drink on the job. Hallelujah!

Once our drinks came, I instantly chugged down my drink.

"Dayum." Raymond watched me as I had little to no reaction to the strongness of the Vodka. I was used to it.

"What?" I sat my glass down.

"You drink a lot." Raymond said. "But you don't be drunk."

"I can handle my liquor." I stated.

I'd been drinking since I was 15. I was able to put in more alcohol without getting drunk off my ass.

"Yo you sone kinda super hunan." Chris said.

I ignored him and kept doing so for the rest of the night. I dreaded having to sleep in the same bed with him again. He got on my damn nerves.

When we finally arrived back at the hotel, I went straight to the restroom to shower and get ready for bed. We had to get back on the road bright and early.

"You legit just been ignoring me. Whats the issue?" Chris asked.

This nigga must be dumb as fuck. He straight uo disrespected me and now he asking what's wrong.

"Nothin." I rolled my eyes and got in the bed.

"You be actin fake as fuck. I swear. Either we gon be cool or not." He said smacking his lips.

"I could say the same for you. What you said back at the restaurant was real fucked up. I get that I'm not your type, but you didn't have to be rude and insult me about it." I finally told him what the issue was. Getting that off my chest was the best thing I could have ever done at this point.

He stood silent for a moment. Then finally, he sat at the foot of the bed.

"Look, I'm sorry about that. Sometimes I say things and don't think about the consequinces." He spoke.

"Yeah. Well nect time think about them. Now goodnight." I turned away from him lwtting him know I was no longer interested in this conversation.

"So you forgive me?" He asked.

"Good night Mr. Brown." Petty is in my DNA

"Really?" He got in the bed and started poking my thigh. "Mariaaaaah!" He whined.

"Stop touching me." I said dryly.

"Forgive me and I'll stop." He poked me again.

I was silent as irritation built up inside me. He continued to poke me. Each time he poked harder. "Stop touching me!" I finally yelled before getting out the bed.

"Watch who you talking to!" He stood up and got in my face.

"Or what?" I challenged.

He looked at me for what seemed like forever. I didn't back down and I guess he sensed I wasn't goinf to, because he backed away, jaw clenched and brows furrowed and got back into the bed.

"Whateva. I'm not finna deal with you. In going to bed. I got shit to do in the morning." He said before turning the lamp off and engulfing the room in darkness.

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Is it weird to say I was turned on? Because I really was.

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