14: Wounds

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   After Clair went home I knew something bad was going to happen. I heard a crash from my father's room and I quickly closed and locked my window and closed the blinds.

   My door busted open and my father stood there with a belt and I prepared myself for the beating I was about to take.

   He raised the belt and hit the side of my face with it. He kept raising it and bringing it down one my chest, stomach, and back as I yelled out in pain. I felt blood coming from the whip marks and I let tears slip from my eyes for the first time since my mother died.

Once he was done and he left I layed there on the floor not daring to move. I let the tears flow from my eyes until I heard a knock at my window. I slowly made my way towards the window unlocking it so Clarity could slip through. She gasped once she saw the state of my room.

   "You told me you would be okay." She spoke softly.

   "I'm fine, just a little hurt." I replied not looking in her eyes.

   "Bullshit, there's blood on the floor, your shirt is soaked with blood, and you look like you're on the brink of passing out. Look at me." She said. I raised my eyes to meet hers. "Take your shirt off."

   "I told you, I'm fine. Don't worry about me babe." I said.

   "Shirt, off. Now." She said again.

   I sighed in defeat excepting the fact I knew I couldn't win this argument. I groaned and yelled in pain as I pulled the shirt from sticking to my wounds and raised it over my head. She gasped again, tears raised to her eyes. There were slashes from the belt all over me, some just red, others bleeding, and some were bleeding really bad.

   "See babe, I'm okay." I said sighing and walking into the bathroom. She followed behind me grabbing a sponge.

   "Don't give me that shit. You lied, you told me you'd be fine. I know he did this to you, this isn't fair." She spoke.

   "Oh don't act like I'm the only one with family problems. How long did you think it would take until I found the bruise on your wrist. It wasn't there earlier." I spoke and she gulped biting her lip.

   "Just let me help you." She said softly and I nodded.

   She ran the water in the tub and had my sit on the edge if it. She started gently dabbing the sponge on my back. Some parts weren't bad, other parts I yelled in pain as she cleaned each individual slash on my back. When she finished with my back she had me turn as she started washing my chest and stomach. I watched the blood being washed down the drain unil she finally finished and wrapped up my wounds and led me back to me room.

   Once I was sat on my bed she cleaned out the mark on my face and she put a shirt one me.

   "You know, you don't always have to be okay." She said softly.

   "I know. But I feel the need to be strong when you're not. And right now I know you're not okay. What happened?" I asked.

   "He came back. Not Parker, the guy who asulted me in that alley. He tried to force me to do... stuff with him, but I refused. So he tried to force himself on me, I got away but I can still feel his hands on me." She concluded. I pulled her into a hug even though my body screamed at met not to.

   "Go take a shower. You can stay here for right now." I said. she nodded and stood up going back into the bathroom.


   We were both sitting on the couch watching a movie when the front door burst open. I jumped up pulling Clarity behind me slowly backing up towards the stairs.

   "Hey dude, I'm so fucking bored and I really wanna get high. Do you have any weed, my mom took-" Lucas looked at us and furrowed his eyebrows. "Why do you look so scared. And like shit?" He asked.

   "Close the door, lock it, and I'll explain. Lucas complied and I went and sat down with Clair.

   "What the hell happened?" He asked.

   "My dad came home early this morning. He didn't like the fact Clair was here and I smashed a vase over his head. Then when she went home and he woke up, he took a belt and beat me with it." I concluded.

   "You told me he stopped doing this shit. Why did you lie to me. We could've gone to the police, you fucking idiot." Lucas ranted.

   "Yea, I know I know." I replied sighing.

   "Anyway, about the weed. Do. You. Have Some?" He said slowly. I smirked standing up from my seat and going to my room to grab some.

   "Clair, if you don't want any you don't have to have any." I said.

   "Are you kidding me. I need a break from all this. Light a blunt and hand it to me." She replied. my smirk widened and I did as she said.

(Clair's p.o.v.)

   After taking a few hits from the blunt I started to giggle. I had never been high before and it felt great.

   I was currently laying down with my head on Adam's lap and my feet were lazily thrown over the back of the couch. The rest of the guys came over and I even invited Cheyenne to come also. All of us were high and laughing at nothing.

   Adam was running his hands through my hair and it felt nice. After about ten minutes the doorbell rang for the pizza. Markus got up and paid for the pizza and we all started eating.


   "Are you leaving today?" Adam asked me after we came down from the high.

   "I have to, we have school tomorrow." I replied. He sighed nodding his head as I gave him a quick hug and headed to the door.

   Once I had made it back into my house I turned to be met with Parker.

   "Did you do that to Sam?" He asked pointing to the guy who asulted me.

   "Yea, he was trying to rape me. What did you expect me to do?" I asked. I never noticed that he had a scratch across his face.

   "He wasn't gonna rape you. Nobody would wanna do that to a slut like you. Get out of my sight." He said.

   "No." I said.

   "What?" He asked.

   "I said no. I own half of this fucking gang. And ya know what, I'm gonna use it to my advantage. How about you get out of my fucking sight. Get out of my fucking house. You left this family and then you just show up expecting to be apart of it again. I think the fuck not. Now I know since you've been in this gang longer then me that you know how it works and that you have all the control. But ever since you printed this one me." I said showing the tattoo on my chest. "I've had half the leadership and you know it too. Now, I would a precise it if you didn't criticize me on my dating choices, if you didn't brat ne, and if you wouldn't try to control my life." I finished shoving past him going to my room as he stood there shocked by my explosion.

   I went up to my room and locked to door then stripping down to get into the shower.

   After I finished my shower I changed into my comfy clothes then crawled into bed. After laying there for a few minutes I slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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