23: Storm

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I was able to go home the next day as long as I had someone to take care of me. Adam said he wanted me to stay at his house, which I didn't really have any place to object.

I was laying in Adams bed and he was laying with his head on my lap. I was running my hand through his hair when a huge strike of thunder hit. I jumped and Adam turned and looked at me.

"A-are there supposed to be thunder storms tonight?" I asked shakily.

"Yea, we've had a drought and now we're about to have the worst thunderstorm in like, three years. Are you okay?" He asked me.

"N-no. I'm not." I replied. I climbed onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked hugging me back.

"No. I just wanna sit here with you." I responded. He nodded and layed down with me on top of him.

Nothing was said, we just layed there. My eyes started to drift shut. I sighed and let my eyes shut.


(Adams p.o.v.)

Someone was crying. Bawling to be more specific. I sat up. where was Clair? I rubbed my eyes quickly and frantically looked around. My eyes locked on the bathroom door with a light shining under it.

I stood up and walked to the door leaning my head against it. Another huge strike of thunder hit and I heard a small squeal and harsher sobbing. I went to open the door but the knob wouldn't turn.

"Babe, open the door." I said softly. I heard a click and I turned the knob opening the door to see Clarity curled up on the floor.

There were tears streaking her face and she wouldn't look at me. Her eyes were puffy and I placed my hand under her chin and raised her head to meet my eyes. Another strike of thunder hit and she flinched and a few tears came from her eyes as she tried to hold in a sob.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bed. I turned on the lamp sitting on my bedside table and turned to her. I gathered her in my lap and told her to let it out. I sat there and let her cry, every once and a while she'd jump at a clap of thunder and I'd just hold her close and tell her it's okay.

   "I-I have t-to tell you." She stuttered. "Back in F-Florida there was a huge th-thunderstorm. I-I was with L-Lo-Logan, and that's when he first strangled me. Th-that memory keeps replaying in my m-mind." she said holding in her sobs until she finished. When she was done talking her sobs broke loose.

   "Babe, shh, it's okay. I have you. Just because he's out doesn't mean he will find you or hurt you. I love you and I'd never let anything happen to you. I promise." I said kissing her softly.

   Her sobs slowly stopped as she kissed me back. This kiss was soft and slow, not like our others. She put her hands around my neck and stratteled my lap. But nothing got sexual. We just kissed, slowly and passionately.

(Clair's p.o.v.)

   He had successfully calmed me down. I loved that he knew exactly what to say and what to do.

   I never wanted to take me lips off his. This kiss was warm and passionate and there were butterflies in my stomach. Our lips parted from each other for a moment to breath.

   "Do you believe me now?" He asked.

   "Yea." I responded.

   He smirked slightly and pulled me to his chest burying his face in my neck. He kissed lightly and his thumb started tracing light circles on my waist. His lips attached to my neck and he sucked lightly.

   "Adam?" I asked.

   "Yes." He replied seperating his mouth from my neck for a spilt second to answer then latching back on.

   "What are you doing?" I asked.

   "Calming you." He replied. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

   "With your lips?" I asked.

   "Not just my lips. My tounge, and fingers, and other parts of me." He said letting his hand trail down to me butt.

   "What if I say no?"

   "Face it babe, we both know you wouldn't say no." He replied and went back to kissing my neck.

   I let out a small moan when his mouth attached to my sweet spot. His hands were on my butt gripping slightly. He placed small kisses on my jaw then his mouth latched onto mine and his tounge slipped in.


   I woke up next to Adam, my head on his chest and his arms around me. He was rubbing small circles on the side of my hip. I kissed his chest lightly and he kissed the top of my head.

   It was still raining outside, but I felt safe. We didn't do much, just layed in bed together in the quiet. Eventually we both got up and got dressed. We obviously couldn't go out and do anything because of the rain and my head so we stayed on the couch all day.

   The storm continued to go on, and sometimes I would jump when the thunder struck. Although I was scared, Adam kept me safe, comfortable.

   His head was on my lap and I was running my fingers through his hair. Adam had fallen asleep and I just sat there with my eyes closed.

   My phone started ringing and I looked down at the unknown number. I picked up my phone and slid over to answer.

   "Hello?" I asked.

   "I hope you know that I'm out of jail, and I sent someone to compromise you but the seemed to have failed. I know you've been brought into a gang and that angers me princess." He pauses for a moment. "I'll be there for you tomorrow morning. I want to meet you alone, or I'll kill your little boyfriend. I don't want to hurt you, I just want to set some things straight." He replied.

   "Why? why after all this time are you still going after me?" I asked him.

   "You left me. I lived you AND YOU LEFT ME!" He yelled into the phone.

   "Please leave me alone." I said.

   "I'll see you tomorrow." He responded then hung up.

   I let a tear slip from my eye. I gently picked his head up and placed it on the couch. I stroked his jaw a few times and wiped the tear off my face. His eyes lifted up slightly and he furrowed his eyebrows.

   "You okay?" He asked.

   "Yea, I-I just need to head home. Parker called and said he needed me." I said.

   "Oh. Well maybe you can come back later?" He asked.

   "Yea, maybe." I responded.

   I kissed his lips lightly for a few seconds. he placed his hands on my waist and kissed me back.

   "I love you so much." I said after we pulled away.

   "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked again.

   "I promise." I kissed him again before heading out the front door.

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