B.H.C - 1

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Camryn's Pov

"Camryn, don't you dare try escaping" my mother spat as she walked near me and I knew that now my escape was next to impossible and that this woman won't let me go, and there goes a bell signaling that it was now our turn as per the appointment with a Psychiatrist.

I closed my eyes as I sighed, again the same old thing is going to happen, she will drag me inside and then we will meet a new face who will guarantee her that he or she whoever it is inside will help me and I will be fine soon, but at the end of the day it would be of no use as there work will go in vain, why ?

Because I don't need help, I am all fine but it's something my mother won't believe, and without another word I was dragged inside the consulting room by my mother as she entered in first and then I entered slowly not wanting to meet the new Psycho.

I giggled internally on the new name I gave to the doctor I am going to meet here, oh well I have had many doctors and I named them all Like my previous doctor I named him 'Da Monster' as he did nothing but scared the shit out of me, I huffed remembering that strange behavior of his with me.

As the nurse guided us towards the couch, I eyed the whole room and it was decorated with modern things and here I thought the Doctors have no sense of fashion but seeing this changed my whole scenario, as now we were sitting here and there was no fucking one beside a Nurse who did nothing good to help me feel comfortable, instead she was eyeing me specifically, I hated it a lot, but I can't blame her to the fact that I have a darkest shade of Green eyes if that's possible which attracts people who are near by and well all this was normal with me but I still didn't like them eyeing me.

In response I glared to which she just got uncomfortable as she said "The doctor will be out soon" after which she straight away went inside a room attached to the Consulting room where I suppose the doctor is, I shook my head as I made my hands run through my hair's length and my mother got busy in a magazine which she purchased this morning.

After a long wait I heard a clicking sound of stilettos as my eyes locked up to the door from where I heard it, the door knob twisted and the door creaked open revealing a tall, slim and sexy woman with jet black hair and she must be 26 or 27, I was so engrossed in eye fucking her that I didn't realize my mother tapping my Shoulder to get my attention.

Doc took her seat behind her desk while she opens her laptop, grabbing a pen from it's holder she writes down something on her writing Pad and when she is done she looks up and then down, in no time when she realize that she just caught me staring her, she again looks up in my direction.

Averting my eyes and acting all innocent towards my mother who was blabbering something more likely for me to keep my mouth shut in front of the doctor while she talks to her to which I just nod in response, pffttt what am I ? A 15 year old!!

Again I hear the same clicking of her stilettoes this time she walks towards  us with her writing pad and she looks amazing.

I saw her sit infront of us on a single couch, as I see her drooling but then I composed my self, oh and let me tell you that I am more sort of conservative and introverted type, I don't like meeting new people and going out in public as it bugs me a lot when I see people yelling or doing stupid things.

I don't like to share my past with anyone as it was not something I am proud of, I have my own memories which were horrible and I don't want anyone to know that.

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