B.H.C - 8

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(The mansion above is actually what I imagined for Emma Blue)

I found myself pinned up to the wall we were in a room which was big, I felt him touching me, the man trailed his fingers across my body, his rough touch made me flinch, "Please let me go..." I cried but he ignored me, I tried yelling for help but there was no one who could hear me, I even tried to push him away but he didn't even move and there I lost my hope, I was crying really hard, I didn't even realize the door of the room flew wide open.

Two figures came rushing towards me as the man turned around to face the two of them whoever they were, "Oh wowwww two more girls well guess what I don't mind fucking three of you" he said and then it clicked me, those two girls should be Emma and Regina, I saw Emma grabbing him by his collar "And guess what I wouldn't mind cutting your dick and buring it into Ashes" Emma said as she paused eyeing me for a minute "Regina, Get her out" she demanded and I saw the other girl nodding as she came near me and scooped me up bridal style.

"Wait, You can't do that, do you even know who I am ?" The man said which made Emma to slap him, "Off course we do know who you are, you are an abuser well I will make sure you enjoy your life in jail" Emma threatened, but then she realized that we were still in the room "Regina, get her out of here I will see you down near my car, the driver is waiting" she said as I saw Regina nod and with that we were out and in no second I was in the car with Regina sitting across me, Okay she is fast.

And suddenly I felt dizzy and my surroundings started to black out as I passed out.
It's all dark around me as I struggle with my eyesight after my eyes set according to the dark surrounding I carefully roll out of the bed, my body is sore I tried to remember what happened with me but there were no recent memories.

Suddenly I see a source of light coming from the door side as I make my way towards the source, I open the door which led me to a corridor as I walk through it, and there I saw a room which is slightly open my curiosity got its way out anyhow as I leaned in to peep in through the open space and there I saw two man and a woman standing around a platform.

My eyes go wide when I see a little girl lying on that platform and her face was quite familiar, on a closer look I was shocked to know that she was no one else but me, I heard the woman commanding them to kill me as they got there gun out and the two of them pointed it towards me i cried out loud loudly seeing them do that.......

"Awwww you think some one will come here to rescue you, well then you are wrong pretty little girl your own family wants you dead" the woman said laughing, but it was the little me who didn't understand any of the spoken words.

"Kill her..." She commanded as the both of them nodded and there I closed my eyes as i heard gun fires....
I woke up all sweaty because of my dream which was horrific, I saw Regina and Emma, who were sitting and we were in a car, seeing them I just don't know what came across me and that I started crying, while both of them caressed my thigh cooing soothing words.

But that made me cry more as there presence triggered me as a result I slipped deep into my little space, I didn't know how to get myself together the dream I saw was horrible, they wanted to kill me or I should say my own family wanted to kill me.

"She won't stop, she is slipping down in her head space, we need to distract her" I heard Regina say, "But how we don't even have a pacifier, there is nothing in here which can calm her down" Emma replied as they thought for a moment while I was crying my heart out.

Regina made me down across her lap as I was all confused with all of this, I felt something slip in my mouth and automatically I started sucking on her fully grown breast and that made me feel better, relaxed and safe but then my little self didn't care to pull back as I continued with my suckies and soon I drifted back to sleep.

To be continued...

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