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Emma's Pov

It was after two hours when Regina woke up as I provided her with my blood and right on cue Camryn came in running as she jumped up on Regina who gracefully engulfed Camryn within her arms, "Mommy" Camryn said which made Regina to hum, "Can we go bring Peter Pan Back ?" Camryn asked with her eyes laced up with Hope.

"No, I said after Four Months Camryn..." Regina was interrupted by Camryn who whined and here goes nothing, "But mommy, we are leaving tomorrow, why can't Peter Pan come with us ?" Camryn asked as she eyed me for some help and well I gave in because her eyes, showed so much of innocence, "Alright, we can go and get them but that's only if you behave Camryn, I want no smart ass stunts pulled out over there in Madagascar" I said earning a glare from my wife.

While listening to that Camryn was on cloud nine as she was jumping all around our bed room and just a snap of fingers brought her back to being normal, "Remember, I have that right to take Emma's word back, you better be careful child" warned Regina as she eyed Camryn in all her seriousness and that made Camryn to nod it off.

"Right then, so today's schedule consist of shopping, some of us needs fresh diapers and wipes so yeh and after which you can go out with Emma and bring home those beast" with that said Camryn was a jumping mess while I watched Regina tracing her nose bridge in annoyance and before she could change it, I quickly guided Camryn out of our bed room.

After an hour I was ready for our trip out to the supermarket while there were no signs of Camryn and Regina but soon I heard Camryn giggle as she walked down the staircase with Rebecca, she had a frock on with it reaching no more then her knees while her hair was up in a pony tail, no doubt, she looked cute.

After a while I saw my queen walking down the stairs, she had on really simple cloths that included dark Blue jeans with red flannel shirt loosely tucked in her jeans and still she managed to make it look trendy.

"Stop doing that Emma" she murmured loud enough for me to hear it and that made me look away from her while she walked her way down near me "I love you" she said placing a kiss by my cheek as I wrapped my arm around her waist, I held her close to me as I admired her beauty for a moment and I could just see the blush creeping up on her cheeks which made me smirk "I like my effect on you" I said which made her to push me back "Where is Camryn ?" She asked looking around, "Outside with Rebecca, they are waiting on us" I replied as she nodded.

"Fine then let's get the shopping done and I am warning you 'Daddy', don't you dare buy her the whole mall else I will leave you in the mall itself with Camryn and then both of you can have fun there alone" she warned which made to raise up my hands in surrender "I won't but what about you, you get excited as well when you see frocks and stuff for Camryn...." I was interrupted by Regina who was shooting Daggers by her stern gaze "Did you say something Mrs. Emma Black ?" She asked to which I shook my head "Who me ? Nahhhhh, I was just...." I was again interrupted by Regina as she patted my shoulder "That's what I thought, now come on let's burn the mall" with that said she walked her way ahead of me while I stood there gawking at her fine ass body.

"We are waiting outside Emma, don't just stand there eye fucking me from behind" Regina said after which she disappeared out of the doors with me following her lead.

Journey to the mall was uneventful as we all were silenced, everyone with different thoughts in there head which they couldn't just profess in front of us but regarding Regina, I was sure about her thoughts lingering on her Father's death, her eyes said it all, she wouldn't say it in front still I could see the sadness hoovering up on her, I could feel the pain, she was very much attached to the person who is now in a coffin waiting his funeral.

Regina had her eyes looking out of the window as I struggled with the traffic across the road, I could just feel the tension growing up in the atmosphere, "Hey, u okay ?" I questioned just loud enough for Regina to hear it which made her to look at me and it would be the second time I saw her eyes go deep red just like it was before when she lost her son, our eyes met just for a second after which looked away, placing my free hand on her thigh I rubbed it in a soothing way and in response I heard her say "I am alright Em" but I knew she was not, she was just pretending to be strong while I knew well that she was broken from inside, while the coronation ceremony won't do her any good, cuz there were rituals which she would have to perform with her Father's Body and blood, I was just worried about her breaking down in between the ceremony.

We reached the mall and Camryn was the first one to jump out of the car followed by Rebecca who chased the little monkey while Regina wiped her eyes thinking that no one noticed it but I did, "You know when you do that, I feel like I am no one to you, I want you to open up Regina, it's our last day here in Australia and from tomorrow you will have to be someone else out there in Madagascar, you won't have time for yourself...." I was interrupted by her eyes which were dark and I couldn't just figure out the deal.

"I...I just feel lonely, it's like something is missing from inside of me, I lost my support system Emma, he promised me to be there by my side Everytime whenever I needed someone to discuss everything with, he was supposed to see my coronation ceremony infact he was supposed to crown me as the queen of this kingdom, he was supposed to be standing there in the court in front of million Vampires, asking me my loyalty to his kingdom, he was supposed to walk me through the way for my Throne, I...I think I will back off" she said leaving me in a stance of shock as I eyed her just being sure about her seriousness and she was, I did not know about the thoughts she was holding in from two days, I did not know the stress she went through within every passing minute.



Go for a ride" I said while I dialed up to Rebecca and within one ring she answered it as I asked her to carry on without us after all she had the list and she agreed to it while I pulled my car on the drive way, "We shouldn't be leaving her alone Emma" said Regina referring to Camryn to which I assured her with "She will just be fine with Rebecca".

To be continued...

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