B.H.C - 19

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Camryn's Pov

It's been one week after that horrible night, I couldn't just think of anything else other then our awful conversation that night, I sighed at the memory of it, right now I was in my work room working on the same project with Emma, it had been a long day for the both of us to the fact that we had less time to finalize​ the designs and so we both agreed to have it done as soon as possible.

I was sitting across her on my comfortable chair while we worked on our project, "What is it Camryn, I can feel that you are distracted by something, what is it ?" Emma asked as she placed her reading glasses down on the table, "It's nothing I..I am fine" I said to which she raised her brows, "You know what your problem is, you keep pushing your inner feelings while you should let your feelings go free, you do know that it's you hiding your feelings made Gina angry while it could just have been any other simple way Camryn" she completed making that feeling of guilt rush through my every cell it could possibly reach.

I was really sorry for being like that, I didn't ever mean to make her angry or sad and I think Emma is right somewhere deep down I want them both but it's something keeping me back from giving all of this a try.

Maybe it's my inner fear of loosing them, cuz I have seen many cases where people who are in love either they break up or they end up getting themselves all messed up and somewhere this was the only reason keeping me away from trying this, what if I lose them ?,
what if I am left heartbroken ?,
what if I mess all of this ?,
were some of my insecurities which were preventing me to try any of these realtionship, I haven't been in any relationship like for enternity, last time I remember I had this relationship in highschool, I was with this guy named Leo and he was a good person to say it all I was the one who didn't find our relationship going anywhere and so I ended it up, that guy was amazing thou, he was handsome and dashing and whatnot but it just didn't Click.

"And what if non of that happens, what if everything between us three goes great, what if we end up being together, why would you think negative Camryn ? Why would you end all of it before even trying it ? We take this risk several times in our life, don't we ? We go through that pain again and again Untill we get whatever is worthy, Camryn you wouldn't even know anything until you try it out, it's not only you who will take this risk of ending up all alone, don't forget we three are all in this together, if you are taking a step then we both are taking one two which means if you end up getting hurt then it will also be the both of us who would end up all hurt and heartbroken, but still here we are, At least trying Camryn, why can't you try it with us, it's not like we will keep you like slave, we just want the best for you, and if you let us in then it would be our honour to take care of you to, love you and to spoil you off course" she completed making me think what she just said and it all was right off course, if I am taking this risk of being with them then they too are risking there lives for me.

After Half an hour of constant thinking I made one decision which I think was right and just for the three of us, "Alright then I am ready to take this risk but I have one some conditions on counter, which I would like to discuss cuz if I am risking myself into it then I need to be clear with some of my things which I feel important to discuss with the both of you" I completed only to see the lady smiling genuinely and it made me feel good.

"But we have another situation too" I said and to which she frowned, " Regina won't talk to me" I said as I saw her sigh but the frown disappeared, "Well that off course is a situation love bug, but I am sure you will handle it good" she said which earned me to scoff "Yeh right I know nothing about her and I will off course handle everything nicely" I said sarcastically, "You don't need to know anything about her to accept your mistake in front of her and well sometimes a 'Sorry' can solve some very critical mistake, if only you know what I mean" with that said she was back with her work.

I sighed as a thought came inside of my mind which made me grin, "Umm Emma ?" I asked for her attention to which she looked up and rased her brow as she saw me grinning, "yes ?" She questioned, "Where could I find her tonight ?" I asked her as she hesitated but then she replied, "she will be at my place" she said to which I nodded "Mind if I join you tonight ?" I asked her, "Why not, you are always welcome love bug, so at what time would you be there ?" She questioned as I thought about my mother dearest, well she wouldn't mind anyways, I would just tell her that I am staying at my place then, oh well thinking about 'My place', I own a penthouse, it's where I live most of the time, it's a gift from my Dad as he made it according to my needs.

"When does she come home ?", Home felt so right, "Oh well she works over night, but today she had her surgery and two follow ups to go through so then she will be home by 6, 6:30 Pm" she answered, that's weird, I mean Emma knows everything in detail about Regina at the same time the way she is talking about Regina it feels like they are connected deeply , still I nodded in acknowledgement, "Well then I think I can come over and we can talk" I replied as she smiled, "or how about you come with me ?" She offered and well how can I just reject it.

"Sure, why not" I said as she glanced back to her laptop screen "right then, it's 4' o clock it is now, so I think we should call it a day" she suggested, "That's a good idea, I am really tired anyways" I said as we logged out the system while I collected all the papers which were on my desk as I piled them up near the lamp.

We walked out of my work room after which we waited for the elevator and then we both got inside as I pressed the ground floor on the keypad while I called for my mother and within the second ring she answered me, "Mother it would get late and so I will be at my place tonight" I said as I heard her pant, Okay may be wrong timing, "alright, just make sure you take care of yourself and do eat your food on time" and with that said she hung up the call, "Great" I mumbled thinking about my situation, like it's only me who is single right now, alright I was, but since I am entering this realtionship I wonder how the sex would be and I was brought back to reality when Emma coughed or scoffed I dunno what exactly it was but it was more like an irony for me but it did made me blush and thankfully the door slid off letting us make our way towards the exit, less embarrassment.

We walked out of the exit as I saw Alex waiting for me "Good Evening Ma'am" he said professionally​ as I nodded "Evening Alex, there's a change in plan, I am going with Miss Blue and after wards I will go back to my penthouse for the night and therefore, My penthouse it is for you tonight, you have the spare key, go ahead" I said to which he nodded while he glared back towards Emma I could literally see him getting protective towards me, "She is safe with me, don't worry about her" said Emma to which Alex nodded as he walked his way around the car as he got inside and drove his way out of the premises.

After which we made it to the front and there I saw a royal blue Ferrari Parked right in front of us, the valet handed Emma her keys as she took them slightly nodding back to him, after we settled up in the car she asked me to put my seat belt on, "Ready ?" She asked as I nodded "Use words love bug" she demanded, "Ready as I would ever be" I said to which she laughed "Well then let's get ourselves back to home little one" she said, Home ? It was so wrong but it actually felt so fucking right, we drove ourselves towards our Destination while my head was clouded with one word, Home.

To be continued...

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