B.H.C - 7

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"Nice to meet you Camryn" Sarah said as she eyed Kevin with a smirk, can anyone tell me what is going on over here ?.

"And I would like both of you to meet my two besties, she is Emma Blue, and she is Regina Black" Sarah introduced us but did she know that we know each other she said that they are besties then I am sure Emma and Regina might have shared our glorious moment, I sighed remembering that.

"And I would like both of you to meet Kevin, he is the one I was talking about and we were in secret relationship" Sarah revealed which made the three(Me, Emma and Regina) of us go all hyper "What, from when is this going on?" we said in unison which made both(Kevin and Sarah) of them to flinch​ back in surprise.

"Hey calm down the three of you, we just...we just..." Kevin said but he seemed lost for words as Sara helped him "We weren't sure about this and guys he is my little too" Sarah completed which made me go pale, "You are a little....????" I paused as he interrupted me "is there a problem, I...i understand if you have any with the little things, a dominant like you would definitely have a problem being friends with a...with a...." I interrupted him by pulling him in for a hug as I caressed his back ensuring him that it was alright and normal.

"It's not that idiot, you should have told me before and who said I have a problem with all of this, you are my best friend Non Sense and whatever you do, you will always be my friend and I would always support you no matter what the situation is" I completed as I pulled back and there I saw tears in his eyes "Awwww, don't be a cry babe Kev, although you are a little but you would always be my boyfriend" I winked to which he giggled just like a four year old as I saw him slipping in his little space.

I wanted him to know that I was a little like him but I didn't wanted to ruin this Moment when he just revealed his state I just wanted him to feel comfortable around me and so I stayed silent as I saw Kevin all cuddled up to Sarah as she held him tightly in her arms and no doubt they were the cutest couple I ever saw.

"And Sarah Ramos make sure you take care of my little friend or else I'll be the one destroying you" I warned her as I earned glares from the two(Emma and Regina) of them which meant more like 'mind your Language' and that made me feel bad about my language I used, wait did I really feel that, Camryn​ Robert you better get your fucking self together you are not there little and that you dont care whatever they mean.

As the waiter came across us asking for our drinks, Sarah ordered a Piña colada while she ordered an orange juice for I guess Kevin, Alright they are doing great until now and I hope things go well for the both of them as I admired the care and affection Sarah was providing Kevin.

And Emma ordered white wine while Regina Ordered Nothing and now it was my turn and I felt eyes on me I ordered shots to show them that I am the boss of my own self and I am not a little.

We sat there in silence because there was nothing to say and non of us tried to make any conversation it was not any high tensioned atmosphere but it was a calm and satisfied atmosphere.

And soon our drinks were served "babe boy how about you have this Juice which momma ordered for you, I bet you will love it" Sarah cooed to the little Kev who was all cuddled up in her lap and that just made me smile, it just feels like he found the comfort of his life and I am happy for him.

Kevin nodded while he took his seat beside me as he glanced over to me "Alcohol no good" he said me while he pointed the shots which were in front of me, as I smiled admiring his little side.

"I know Kev but I am big you know and adults can have it" I explained him earning raised eyebrows from the three(Sarah, Emma and Regina) of them.

I bet Emma told everything to them, ughhhh I am screwed now.

"Really Miss Robert...?" The duo(Emma and Regina) asked in unison, which made me chock on my saliva, what the fuck, why can't they just let it go and the main thing why are they concerned about it.

I grabbed my glass of shot as I made it to my lips but before I could have it, Kevin beside me started crying which made Sarah all worried about him, "Guys I think I should take a leave, I don't think he is doing well, we can have it later, I will make it up to you" Sarah said as she glanced me "And Miss Robert, it was nice meeting you, I hope we meet again" she completed as I nodded "Off course, it was nice meeting you too" I said after which she led Kevin out of here, leaving us three here.

greattt and now the question is how to get myself out of here.

But first I decided to have my shots as I grabbed a glass of shot and I was about to drink and that is when I got interrupted by both of them "Dare you drink it, you are not supposed to have it" the duo said in unison which made me flinch at there sudden interruption and it almost made me cry but before I let all my tears out I controlled myself, I controlled my urge to cry.

"What the hell, why don't you mind your own fucking business and you both better leave me alone, or I have a better idea how about I go from here" I completed as I stood up and made my way towards the door but I was stopped by a waiter who offered me a glass and without even knowing anything I chugged it down my throat and the burning sensation of the liquid almost made me feel exhausted.

And suddenly my head started to feel heavy and my world now was spinning, soon I found myself collapsing but I felt a hand gripping me Roughly as I was lifted up in the bridal style, I squinted my eyes open as I saw a familiar figure and I guess it was the same man from before, as I tried to push him away but it made no effect on him to the fact that he was more healthy and strong then me.

Soon we were out and still i was pushing him in order to get him away all of attempts ended up in vain, till now I was crying as I heard him say "awwww come on babe just a minute, I know you want me just like I want you, I am sure I can help you getting comfortable" he completed and again that feeling of nauseousness filled me up.

Suddenly my whole surrounding area started fading out which made me panic, not now please don't fade Cam, please get yourself together you need to escape or else you will end up being raped.

To be continued...

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