B.H.C - 6

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I reached home as I made my way up to my room ignoring my mother, as I pulled open my cupboard and there I was all confused about my outfit, I guess all of us have this same problem of choosing at end moment cuz I do have this problem.

As I went through all of the cloths I have, after like eternity I settled on a sleeveless black, thigh length frock which had net strips across the waist and chest, I got myself dressed as I had some make up done, well I am not that great fan of all this stuff I get rashes on my face if I use them in large amount like those celebrities do, God the only thought of it made me feel nauseous, off course it does to me at least.

I wore my black stilettos which had black bows on one side it looked cute though, I am a lover of black and blue bows.

As I grabbed my wallet and my cell phone after which I made my way down the stair case, I saw my mother standing there with her hands crossed over her chest, Am I in trouble or something

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As I grabbed my wallet and my cell phone after which I made my way down the stair case, I saw my mother standing there with her hands crossed over her chest, Am I in trouble or something...?

I neared her as I saw her sighing softly, "Hey mother, what's upp...?" I trailed off as she eyed me suspiciously "I had my food mother, I am serious" Alright I lied, still she had her same look gratefully Kevin had a great timing as he came to rescue me.

"Oh hello Mrs. Robert it's nice seeing you again, how are you...?" He asked her as they talked about Mrs. Fitzgerald, she is my mother's good friend, after when they finished finally it was time for us to go, as I was about to make my way out I heard my mother calling me as I turned around in order to face her "Baby You look beautiful, enjoy your time and yeh be careful" she said as I nodded "Thank you mother and don't worry I have Kevin, he is my Guard of honour for tonight" I replied as she smiled, "Now go" she said after which I made my way out and there I saw Kevin waiting for me once I was inside the car, "You look amazing Girlfriend" he commented which made me blush "aren't we late now...?" I asked him diverting him as he nodded and smiled.

As he drove us out of our estate, "Kev where are we going...?" I asked him calmly to which he just said "You will see" and that pissed me off, "Kevin can you please be serious and tell me where are we going ?" I asked him again but that didn't affect him, "Will ya calm down lady, I am not kidnapping you" he completed earning glares from me.

"Off course you are not kidnapping me" I mumbled to myself, after what felt like an era we reached our destination as Kevin parked his car in the parking and we stepped out, he offered me his arm as I entangled my arm with his.

As he guided me towards a GOD DAMN BDSM CLUB, "Kev what are we doing here...?" I asked him all scared, nervous, angry and frustrated but he didn't seemed to mind that as he was all cool and calm how could he not be freaking when I am.

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