B.H.C - 54

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Word Count :- 1682.

Regina's Pov 

Panic was in the air, we all were looking for the boy, Charles walked out with the boy sleeping, relief washed over me, the little boy was resting against his chest and by his posture I could say he was quite asleep.

Charles walked his way towards us as he eyed me "I found him weeping on the floor of your basement" he described which made me to nod as I walked my way towards him, I rubbed the boys back as I tried to take him from Charles but it actually made the boy groan as he whined a "Nooo" in his half sleeping state and wrapping his arms around Charles neck tightly as if his life depended on him.

"Who is this cute little Boy ?" Jerry asked as he walked towards us "Well, I don't know his name but we found him in worst Condition in a dumping yard and Camryn insisted us to bring him with us" I stated to which Jerry nodded as he eyed the boy and then Charles who had himself busy rubbing the little boys back, it was weird seeing them like this but in a good way.

Charles took his seat down on the couch with the kid as he adjusted him on his lap and the boy whimpered but soon was asleep when Charles tucked him to his chest while massaging his scalp.

"I didn't find him up Regina....." Emma was interrupted by Jerry who glared towards him "Will you lower down your volume Em, it seems like you were born with a amplifier installed in your voice box" he hissed towards Emma which made her confused there as he eyed me to acknowledge her with the situation and I motioned her towards Charles as her eyes took in the situation and confusion was replaced by her grimacing "I am so sorry...I didn't know that he was asleep" she said whispering while she walked herself beside me.

"Babe do you think we can adopt him ?" Was a question by Charles which left all of us speechless "I like him, he so little and cute as well, we can be a perfect family..." Charles trailed off as he eyed Jerry with hope evident in them while I watched Jerry contemplating with his own self as he eyed me and there I saw confusion, "Regina, I would like to have a word with you in private" he asked to which I nodded "Charles I want you to stay here and wait for my decision pet" Jerry instructed him to which Charles had a frown and had his head down in his submissive state while Jerry asked me to lead his way, nodding I walked myself towards the staircase and towards my work room with Jerry following my lead.

Once in the work room I took my place down on my chair behind the desk while He dragged a chair towards me, "J take it easy...you don't need to freak out while deciding this" I voiced it as I heard him sigh "I don't even know if we are ready Gina, No doubt we had plans to adopt Children but I never thought for it to be this early" he said which made me scoff "Early ? It has been what 4 years when you were in relationship and 2 years after your marriage in all 6 years today when you guys are together, if this you call it early then let me tell you this I was pregnant in year one of our marriage, you don't even know how blessed I was, to have a child is a great feeling in itself......." I trailed off as I realized what I just said and that triggered memories of past, they came across my eyes as I remembered everything and once again I had tears in my eyes, it was all perfect then, I still remember Emma who got so excited hearing this news that she planned everything, she wanted a daughter, because according to her daughters were a pride to there family and she planned to have her named 'Raysel', but I gave birth to a baby boy and the rest is history.

I heard the door squeak open as a sleepy Camryn entered inside the room followed by Rebecca who waited for my instruction to which I nodded and then she left closing the door behind her while this little girl of mine had her teddy bear tugged within her arms as she walked her way towards me while Jerry here tried to have a talk with her but she just ignored him which made him to look up towards me, I mouthed a "Sleepy and hungry" towards him describing her grumpy nature, I turned my chair towards her while I helped her climb up my lap as she rested her head on my chest.

"Are you hungry ?" I questioned to which she sleepily nodded while I leaned down kissing the crown of her head, "Just hold on, I will soon feed you sweet girl" I said to which she looked up towards me as I tapped my index on her small nose which made her giggle after which she snuggled deep within my chest.

Again the door to my Work room flung wide open as in came Emma who had worry written all over her face as she eyed me "Hey, are you Okay, I just felt like you are in pain, are you hurt ?, Or is something paining...Regina tell me something Babe..." She trailed off as she walked inside and towards me "Everything is alright here Emma, I just remembered something..." I trailed off as I eyed her.

"I...I think I will have him" said Jerry as he eyed me and and Emma who stood there confused "Clearly Charles Want him to be with us and hearing Regina, I think I changed my mind and I will adopt him" Jerry declared to which Camryn gazed up towards me with confused eyes but I ignored them for now as I nodded towards Jerry "We should go down" I said to which he nodded as he stood up and walked his way out of the room.

"Alright Camryn I want you to be a good girl and listen to what I say, can you do that for me ?" I questioned as I saw her thinking but then she nodded "Okayyy Mommyyy" she said as I kissed her forehead "that's like my good girl" I praised her which made her cheeks go red well someone was blushing here.

"Now, do you remember Charles Widmerg ?" I asked to which she took her time thinking after a while she nodded "Yes, the one my father introduced me with ?" and I could feel her already coming out of her headspace, "Yeh, that's him, well he is Jerry's partner, they are married and it's today Jerry introduced him officially to us, I know it's weird and stuff but we are supposed to support them..." I trailed off to which she shrugged it off, okay so this doesn't concern her "And...?" She asked ahead "And they want to adopt the boy" I said as I waited for her to throw tantrums or something but it never came.

"Aren't you sad ?" Emma voiced my words which I had inside my brain to which Camryn shook her head as she smiled towards me "his parents were killed Emma, he didn't receive that love which he was supposed to be showered with by his parents while he will get it now, I don't mind it, it's one and the same thing whether he be here with us or with them, he will still be in our family and that's enough for me to know that he is safe and taken care of there's nothing more then I would want for him to be loved and to be take care of" Camryn stated as she crawled down from on top of my lap.

There are sometimes when I feel like Camryn is an old soul who knows every nook of life and death and just for naming it she is trapped within this small body, her thoughts and her heart is something which is worth dying for, there are times when I see her do things which make me feel proud to have her, I feel more then blessed to have this little girl all to myself and it's today that I would be more then happy to agree with Emma that girls are the pride to there family.

"I will be down in a moment, while I also want some big girl clothes" she said to which I nodded "Sure, but first you will go and shower while I have your clothes out on bed" I answered her as I watch her pout "But I don't want to bath" she argued which made me stand up from my seat and that was enough for her to rush her way out from infront of me, while there are times like this which makes me feel like I have the world's most rebellious, stubborn, lazy and super duper smartass kid but at the same time it makes me laugh at her little mischievous self.
To be continued...

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