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Emma's Pov

Night was something I was waiting for so eagerly, after this long dreading day of learning new things it made a big difference now in my life, off course I do love Camryn and it's not like I have any problem with her but it's just that the things from now will take a drastic change, Regina would have to play her role of mommy in reality while me a daddy, I sighed softly realizing that this is gonna be challenging.

It was 1 Am in the midnight while I was downstairs in the office room almost getting finished with my work and suddenly I heard Regina scream which made me rush upstairs in no second I was in the room the first thing I saw was Regina who had blood tears streaming down her eyes as she looked towards me, "What Happened ?" I asked to which Regina bit her upper lip in pain, the pain was so extreme that I could feel it within myself but I didn't know what was the cause of it I walked towards her slowly not sure of my steps as I climbed up the bed to where Regina was, she still had pain in her eyes.

"It's painful...a lot" she mumbled under her breath as she tried to not scream, "What is painful Regina, tell me so that I can help you Beautiful" I said to which she shook her head "Emma...she has fangs..." She trailed off looking down which made me look down as well and there she was, a half sleeping Camryn who had her mouth latched with Regina's breast and there was blood all over her mouth and Regina's chest, that was enough for me to understand what this little monster did as I looked up in Regina's eyes, grabbing her by hair I pulled her closer and kissed her on lips, I know the pain was excruciating and I don't have any other way but to distract her, I could taste blood on her lips that was from before when she bit her lip.

I pulled away as I looked down to Camryn who was peacefully sucking on her breast, it was off course an adorable moment but I can just imagine those little fangs pierced inside of my skin and sucking all my energy and blood out and well that's not something I would like to happen to me.

"You are adorable Gina, you can fight this pain, she is our child" I said to which she shook her head due to the excruciating pain she was witnessing, "I I am trying Em, but...she is not only sucking but biting me again and again, her fangs are way too soft but sharp at the same time, I can't even change position in fear of getting her fangs broken" she said to which I eyed Camryn as I trailed my index finger down her cheeks as she wrapped her tiny finger around my index.

"She is adorable" I said as I eyed Regina who was still in pain, "why can't she just suck on it, why does she have to bite me..." Regina trailed off as tears rolled down her cheeks, I had no idea how to make her feel better but I had to do something which can distract her from the pain and so I leaned down kissing her on forehead and then on her lips and on the very que Camryn started crying as we both pulled away and she was silent as if she never cried, her eyes looking were glued on the both of us, "you done my sweet girl" Regina asked as she pulled her shirt down and again she started crying, I don't understand why do babies cry...

Her cries made Regina to pull her shirt up again and Camryn latched again making Regina to hold my hand for her dear life, it was something she used to do when she was in Physical pain, her grip around my hand was tight enough for me to know how much pain she was in.

"Guess we found her source of energy" I said to which Regina nodded, "if this is how much pain I would be in then I am afraid I won't be up for providing her with energy" Regina mumbled as she tried to calm herself, after sometime she pulled herself out of Camryn's mouth making sure that Camryn was still asleep.

"I need your blood to heal" she whispered with painfully and I could imagine how much she was drained by now, "change her first Regina, she is all stained with blood" I said to which she nodded, I stood up and brought some clean white sheets, well I will have to order some baby cloths and related stuff in the morning.

Regina cleaned Camryn's mouth with cotton balls and hot water, after which she wrapped her in clean sheets, "Would you like for me to carry her to another room or..." I was interrupted by Regina who was now lying numb on the bed "No...I want her near me, I want to feel her body near mine" she said to which I nodded as she placed Camryn down on other side of the bed while she was in between me and Camryn she pulled up the covers on our body, making sure that Camryn was covered completely she turned towards me.

I could see her eyes glowing brightly, she leaned down as she kissed me on my forehead and then she trailed down her lips to the side of my neck, kissing it briefly she Pierced her fangs inside my neck, I could feel her body getting stronger as my blood went into her body.

She was forced to pull away from me when Camryn started crying which made Regina to scoop her up in arms as she laid the child on top of her chest patting her back lightly and rocking her and the next thing we know is Camryn was back to her peaceful slumber.

The scene was something adorable to witness, Regina was inclined to the back rest of the bed while she had Camryn sleeping on her chest and I adjusted myself on her stomach as I wrapped my arms around her waist to get a good hold this here meant that I won't ever let go of her, no matter how the situation was, I will always protect her and Camryn with whatever I have, I will be more then what they need, they will always have me standing infront of themselves undertaking all the wrong and providing then all the needed security.

I kissed her on stomach as I laid my head down on it looking towards my queen to which she smiled as she managed to reach for my head, she trailed her long fingers across them while she looked down to a sleeping Camryn in her arms and kissed her on the crown of her head, "I love you both, after today I don't think I will ever be able to leave without this little beast in my arms, she made me realize who I actually am, I am her mother and your wife" and those were the last words I heard from my queen after which I was consumed by the peacefulness of sleep.
To be continued...

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