B.H.C - 17

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(the media shows a house which I imagined as the Black house)

Emma's Point of view.

After I left the RT Villa, I decided to have a check on Regina as I drove myself to her residence, well she lives in a very secluded and isolated region one could ever find, it's a journey of an hour to her place.

I entered her residence area, and let me tell you this area is totally prohibited for other people, her family has fences across the whole area with security sensors they cover almost 400 Acres and more, actually the whole forest area comes under her families approach.

I sped up as I crossed every caution​ board which I totally ignored, finally after crossing an over bridge I pulled up in front of an old and beautiful house, it was not big, Wild or great, but it was a small not too small but it was beautiful, I love it here and her family is great, I used to come here for some days and then Regina would come to my place.

I still remember me meeting Regina in a family meeting between my family and the Black Family and from there on we became really close and it was untill 18 when we realized that we were soulmates to each other and yes we belong to different beings like I am a werewolf while Regina is a Vampire, I belong to the Blue Blood Pack while Regina belongs to a Black clan which is the most powerful and dominant supernatural species one could find on Earth and as it goes "with power comes great responsibilities", it's there Clans responsibility to keep Harmony and peace on Earth, her father Alejandro is the "God of Clan" as they call him, he is really jolly but there are sometimes you wouldn't want to see him getting wild.

While Regina is the very next Goddess of there generation while I am her partner at the same time her protector, she doesn't need one thou, but actually it all is already forecasted​ from there very first Royal Vampire couple who were the first Vampier being of there race they were the direct and only descendants of the moon, and therefore the Black's are the royal descendants of honour, the couple had this Future reading capabilities which is not found in today's vampire generation but they wrote all of it in a book which is now called the "Black Book" it contains the whole life span story from the beginning of there clan and it also contains our future but no one can read it, they say that the book can only be opened by a person who is the chosen one and well that "Chosen one" has lots of eligibility criteria in it and only a true Nobel one can open this book, it's not easy to open that book, last time our rival Pack tried to steal it and it all came back on them like a storm as they were found burned and the book was found back in the Black Room where it was usually kept, and Now it's our very responsibility to guard that book of Future with our life, the book is passed on to the generations, and it's a first time in history when Vampires​ and Werewolf population both came together to safe guard the book because it's not only other Vampires who want the book but there are rogue wolf's too who want that book for power.

The book has immense power, but it is enchanted with the glory of death, which means no one but the chosen one can touch it without getting themselves burned, it consist many dark secrets and power and it is said that the power is so extreme that no one can handle it within themselves, the intensity of that power is so much that it would be the only reason of death if it is conceived by any other one then the chosen one itself.

And people see the power but they don't see what is next to it which is death, everyone wants that book but no one knows about the enchanted thing, the only members of Black clan who have the book is the Black Family, but even they can't touch it by themselves without getting burned, they are the only protectors of the book and which makes them the most powerful and dominant supernatural species, Also to the very fact that they are the only pure bloods of the direct descendants of moon on this surface of earth so which also means they need to protect the good and destroy the bad.

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