B.H.C - 14

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As soon as I stepped inside of my home sweet home, I saw workers every where some were decorating and some were preparing the dance floor and what not, and in between I saw my dad sipping his glass of whiskey, I neared him as I saw him working with something, I sighed as I made my way towards the nearest seat possible to him.

"Hey princess".....ughhh the same thing Emma calls me gosh it's just so so so different, wait why the fuck am i thinking of her right now... "Camryn as, are you ohk dear ?" My dad asked me as I snapped back to the realty "Umm...yeh, yeah I am fine dad it's just work stress and exams and all..." I said as he nodded getting back to his work, "Oh and i bought a dress for you which is up in your room I would like for you to try it, and that's your dress for the evening" he said with his eyes still glued to the laptop screen as I sighed, I saw my mother coming down from the staircase followed by Rach, well what a beautiful scene, mother-in-law with her dear dear dear Daughter-in-law, typical drama you would see here, I rolled my eyes at them.

"Camryn, I got a call from the doc, and we settled up a session which is scheduled by the very next Monday, and I also invited her for the evening, so you better be at your best behavior and also there are some high profile guests expected from the fashion industry, make sure you help Rach and Aaron with whatever they want" now that was my sweet mother, Fuck, I am screwed, my eyes were wide open and my mouth was hanging down well it's a reaction of the new information revealed by my mother dearest, how unexpected it is.

My mother didn't even wait for my answer as she left my sight to join dad, while Ray here caressed my cheek "Awwww darling, close your mouth or else you might catch a fly inside" she said teasingly as she smirked.


I just couldn't do anything then to slap her hand of off my cheek, to which she acted hurt.

Drama again...

And I was about to leave and that's when I heard Ray "We need to talk, it's something personal" her expressions were now serious, although she is my teacher and my sister-in-law but we share a relationship more important then that which is off close friends, it's like we share everything with each other, after Kev she is the one who knows each and everything about me.

I nodded as I motioned for her to follow me up to my room and which she did, once inside I locked the door as I saw Ray taking her seat on my bed, as I followed her steps sitting right across her on the couch, there I saw her fiddling with the Hem of her top which was not natural of her it was a sing of her being nervous which I knew very well.

We sat there for next two minutes and there was no words spoken and I know she is nervous but hell the silence was getting up to me, and so being myself I decided to break it "What is it Ray, you Know you can tell me anything and everything, we are friends before any relations we have with each...." And she couldn't just wait for me to get completed as she blurted out something which got me off guard or at least I didn't expected that, "...I am pregnant Cam" were the only words which left her mouth and for the second time I gave the same reaction my eyes wide open with my mouth hanging.

I wanted to say something but words didn't come out of my mouth I was that caught back, I remember her throwing up last week but that I thought would be due to food poisoning, I was happy don't get me wrong I was more then happy infact, knowing that soon I would have my niece or nephew playing around me or with me.

And without wasting any time I just stood up and hugged her I was so happy for her and Aaron, that idiot was going to have a babe now, imagining him playing with the babe felt so so right, after we pulled ourselves away, I felt something was wrong with her, "Ray what is it that you are worried for ?, Jesus Christ, you should be happy and you should be planning things for the child" I said as she sighed deeply and through that I could just imagine how deeply worried she is about something.

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