B.H.C - 21

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Camryn's Pov

I woke up to an empty room but the room was familiar from before, it had this familiar smell of forest and fresh lavender which was of Emma while Regina had her different but specific smell which was of Jasmin and Roses, I felt that sense of satisfaction here, it was like I am free from a load of tension, I rolled out of the bed making my way down the stairs, I saw Emma sitting across the room while watching some News on Television, Erghhh boring, I had no idea where Regina was.

I made my way towards Emma and on the very cue she snapped her head back towards my direction, it's weird that how they can sense me she smiled brightly as she shifted herself in order to provide me some space on the couch but I was against of sitting on the couch and so I settled myself on Emma's lap straddling her I leaned down placing my head on her shoulder facing her neck as I closed my eyes inhaling her fresh smell which helped me to relax.

"Good morning love bug, feeling sleepy I see" I heard Emma say but I decided to go against replying her as I just nodded rubbing my face with the fabric covering her shoulder, I sighed in content as I felt her arms wrap around my waist as she rubbed me soothingly and soon I drifted back to sleep.
I woke up to Emma kissing me across my face and it tickled as I rubbed my eyes while my eyesight adjusted to the light surrounding me, "Good morning again My little angle, now come on up or else Gina will ground us both and I wouldn't want that to happen this soon" she said which made me giggle.

"So will you be able to shower on your own or you need help love bug ?" Caressing my back she kissed the crown of my head.

"Nah I am fine Em, I will shower on my own but I don't have cloths" I replied sighing, "Don't worry, I have some shorts which will fit you and a tank top, go shower I will get your cloths ready untill then, you can shower in our bedroom's bathroom or if you want you can just use the guest rooms" she offered as I nodded.

I stood up and made my way towards the staircase, "I will shower in the bedroom's one" I said while I made my way up the stairs and towards the bedroom, I entered the room and the memories from yesterday came back flooding in my head and that's when I realized that I forgot to say sorry, infact we we're supposed to talk but I regressed and so it all went nowhere.

We really need to talk, I really need to make it up for Regina it's now or never, "You are still standing here you didn't shower yet ?" Said Emma which made me turn around to see her placing cloths down on the bed, "I was just about to step in for shower" I answered but she sighed "It has been 15 minutes Camryn, Humans I tell you" she murmured softly as she made her way towards the door "hurry up little girl, we are waiting for you down stairs for breakfast" she said after which she disappeared, okay I wouldn't say that I understood whatever she said, now for sure we need to talk.

Without wasting anymore time I stepped inside the bathroom and my eyes widen as I saw a Jacuzzi which was really big, and there was a bubble machine too, and there goes my little self, after I filled it up with Water it was now time for some funnnn... I switched on the Bubble machine​, The whole bathroom was filled up with bubbles as I couldn't just contain my excitement, it was heaven for me, I could stay here for the whole of my life, there were bubbles everywhere.

I was so engrossed in enjoying the little Bubble party I was having in here that I didn't hear the door slide open and it's then when the bubbles started to dissipate​ and there were no more bubbles left, with a frown I turned back to where the stupid machine was as I tried to press the button repeatedly but it didn't work "Aww no more bubbles, how sad is that...!!" I heard the voice which made me look up slowly and there stood the pair all amused with the scene but I felt a different feeling, that feeling when you know, you are in a Big trouble and that there is nothing which can help you through it.

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