B.H.C:- 34

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Regina's Pov

After feeding Camryn she was asleep in no time, due to the activities she did last night she was tired and she woke up early as well so that was something I expected to happen sooner or later, I covered her body up switching of the lights I walked my way out of the room closing the door slightly I made my way down to the living hall and there I saw Mr. Hemmings who was busy talking to Rebecca and it took no time for him to realize my presence.

Well I don't know much about him, he is one of the oldest species of protectors of the chosen ones that's the only information regarding him I know, I do know that there's a protector to every chosen one and they are allotted by the prophets of God themselves, it's like a protector will have there lives fully devoted to the chosen one he/she has been allotted to and there's only one person per Era who had been chosen for a specific work and for a specific time period but off course there are exceptions in this as well, and for now my question was for him, if he is with the Robert family then what does that exactly mean ?

He walked towards me as he got down on one knee infront of me.

Respect. Honor. Surrender.

Were seen in his gesture as a sign of respect for me, his one hand was kept on his right chest where his heart was showing his respect towards me while his other hand was at his back, this was something done back then in our Vampire Era and it was done by every person to show respect towards there God of the Clan, well back then I used to see people doing this infront of my father.

"Domina mea, vere est et grato animo meo accipit ad celsitudinem tuam" { Latin language }--{Translation}
(lady of my soul, my mind, I really put it on at your Highness with my respect and gratitude )    he said bowing infront of me and well I will take it that he knew who I was and everything from the beginning,
"Surge sursus"
(Rise up)   and on my very command he rose up to his feet while his head still bowed down showing utter respect, this were manners which people had no idea off and it was after centuries I was witnessing this and I felt good that some of them didn't forget our traditions and rituals.

"you can look up Alexander" I said to which he glanced up towards me "it's my honour to see you My lady" He said to which I nodded, "And it's mine as well to have you here Alexander, please have a seat" I said as he nodded and walked back towards the couch taking his seat down on it while I eyed Rebecca and who got me as she led Joshua to another room, "So....Alexander I take it that you know everything from the beginning and I won't need an explaination to do for you" I said as he nodded, "But Alexander I would need an explaination for everything if you can help me with that" I trailed off while I saw him contemplating with something but to the fact that he was a protector he had some powers of his own and I couldn't just disrespect them and thus I was bounded to go through his head.

"My lady, forgive me for I am bound to reveal any such thing" he said bowing his head down as a sign of regret, it did annoy me but I knew that it's his duty and responsibility and he was bound to cross them for anyone, not even for me.

"But I can and will help you through out everything, take me as your service man my lady, it would be an honor for me to help you with whatever I can with my life as well" he completed to which I nodded "I would like that, anyways any progress you got with the attack done on Camryn, any suspects or something ?" I asked him and he looked clueless about that, "I searched for everything but there's nothing I found, but there was this darkness I felt there but that doesn't prove anything..." I interrupted Him "Check where Samael Is and make sure no one knows about this, it should be strictly in between us" after I completed Emma came out of the kitchen holding a tray, "Oh well you are down" she said as she offered him his cup and and taking hers she came towards me sitting down next to me she eyed Alexander and then me "Umm....did I interrupt something ?" She asked me to which I shook my head "Off course not babe, we were just discussing about a party I want to throw for this weekend, you know just introducing Camryn to the whole of our family formally, cuz as you know it didn't go well yesterday and it's just I want it to be perfect for our little girl" I completed as I eyed Alexander and who nodded "Yes off course, so My lady I will update you with everything as soon as I get somewhere with it" he said indirectly assuring me to do his work as I nodded.
It was Evening and Emma was out for her meeting which she had with her board members while I was down in the kitchen with Camryn sitting On the platform playing on my iPhone, "So Littlebug what would you like to have for dinner we have Chicken and Shrimps" I asked to which she glaced up from the iPhone "Shrimp.....seaaaa foodddd....I love itttt" she sequels while I raise my eye brow for her to keep her voice down, "I am here cupcake, you don't need to shout, I can hear you clearly" I said as she frowned, "I Soweey" she mumbled while I walked towards her leaning down I kissed her forehead, "It's okay babydoll, but make sure you don't repeat it again, we all here are able to hear you clearly" I said as she nodded getting back with her game again.

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