B.H.C - 69

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Emma's Pov

As per the plan last night, Camryn was introduced to Mrs. Billamoria which she didn't take it so well but as it was Regina's Order and that Camryn had no right to go against it.

For now everyone was preparing for the Coronation ceremony, the Alter was perfectly lit by Candles and so was the court, veils of flower falling down from ceiling and covering the whole circumference of the court made it look amazing, the court was further divided into three sections, the first section consisted of Royal sittings which was for Family, the second section was for several high ranked people while the third one was arranged for general sitting.

People started gathering up in the hall and once when all were settled down an announcement was made by a man for everyone to stand up and with that all of them rouse up while a Procession was led inside by Regina's GodFather followed by Regina who walked herself inside with all of her glory she wore nothing fancy but a complete black robe covering every inch of her body with a Wand which was made up of rare woods like Teak and Sandalwood while it had a skull of Bat at the top of it with with a glowing red fire around the skull, it is said that the fire is an amount from blood moon denoting there victory over death and the moon itself.

I still remember all of it which was said by Alejandro to me, he wanted me to know the unknown past of Regina.

The bearer of that wand has to make sure that the red fire should not blow off during the entire cycle it is with them, the wand possess many magical properties which are yet to be discovered, it is said that the wand becomes active only after it is introduced to the blood of the chosen king or queen and to be honest no one in history had that quality to control the wand, the wand seemed to have it's own lost mind which was uncontrollably destructive while no one could manage to bear and control the mind of that little thing, so years ago there ancestors decided to lock this wand up inside a room enchanted with spells to help keep the wand inactive.

But it's untill little Regina who was just maybe 6 years Old, back then who unknowingly entered the room where the wand was kept on the Alter with an Ivory Cage covering it, stopping it from destroying Everything, then again it was for little Regina was curious and more then that she was in a mischievous mood so then no power on Earth could stop that little rebel to uncover the cage from up the wand.

The moment ivory was down on the floor a strong gush of power was released throughout the land, it made her parents rush up in search of Regina and when they found her she was Unconscious on the floor with the wand in her hand, no one knew what exactly happened inside there, neither did Regina knew about everything that happened inside that room, once when she was conscious several questions were asked by people of high ranks but Regina could only answer if she knew anything about whatever happened inside the room, for her it was a blur in her memory.

While the wand was attached with her hand like anything, trying to detach the thing only made it worst for Regina to bear the sever pain shooting up her arm and towards her heart, but then her father noticed one unusual thing, that the wand was although attached to her daughter's hand but it was glowing with red fire just like how it should be and that the wand was active but it didn't do any destruction besides of it being attached to Regina.

GodFather Jayfree was informed about this happening and soon he was in the palace inspecting the wand and the rebel, he tried to detach the thing but he was shot back with a gush of current passed out to him by the wand, with a smile he said "The thing has chosen it's Master and that there shall be no power on Earth trying to separate it from it's Master's Hand, if tried then the wand will destroy itself and it's bearer as well, so it's better to not separate them" were his words which made Alejandro feel bad about her daughter who will never be able to free herself from that thing, for father it was a curse but for daughter it was some granted wish.

Days started passing off and the bond in between Regina and the wand started coming off as inseparable, at the age of 7 where kids would usually go out and play with there friends, Regina would lock herself in her room as she would play with the wand, her room was her throne and the forest out there was her ground of practice, doing things out there in the forest which one could have never thought of, she would use magic to freeze something and then to unfreeze it, to burn up something, making animals speak and making the dead ones live again were some of many things she learned in such a small age.

It was all perfect in Regina's head untill one day when people of nearby places went to the king, father of Regina with several complaints of mishapping and that made Alejandro and Vanha to call up a meeting with GodFather, they talked about the situations on hand and came to a conclusion and they knew it well that this would be hard for Regina but for the sake of others well being it had to be like that.

The night after Regina was asleep Alejandro walked in the room and with "I am really sorry princess, for I have no other choice then to do this but I promise that I will be there for you, whenever you want me my child...." With that said he had tears in his eyes, raising up both of his arms he looked above closing his eyes and casting a spell upon her own daughter and the wand, the Wand was ripped off and with it Regina's Heart was too.

The wand and her heart was placed back in that room but this time there was a cage made up of Platinum and there was another powerful spell casted by GodFather JayFree so that no one meaning not even him could break it but alone Regina could.

After that night Regina had no memories of her past besides that she was a person with no heart.
To be continued...

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