B.H.C - 57

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Emma's Pov

It has been a week with Camryn behaving differently, just yesterday she asked me about Queen Anne and that was something which shocked me to the deepest of my roots, many years have been passed when I last saw her and she is the most meanest person I would ever say, back then, it's after Regina who delivered the child, Alejandro told me everything that Regina was expecting twins but Anne was the one who took away my one baby after it was born, according to Ale there were two boys born that day but Anne took one of the boys away from us.

I managed to hide this from Regina I didn't wanted her to breakdown and I know it was wrong but this was the only thing we could do at that time, it wasn't like this before Regina, Me and Anne were in love with each other, that wouldn't pass a moment where we could just live without each other we had our own moments.

"And how did Camryn know about Queen Anne ?" Asked Alejandro, we were sitting in his study room right now, after Camryn asked me that I decided to talk this out with Alejandro "Most likely from the book she has been reading about from these past few days" I said to which I saw Alejandro think as he eyed me "Can you bring me that book ?" He asked to which I sighed "it's hard because the book is under Camryn and she wouldn't just give up on it" I stated as he nodded.

"Then perhaps we will have to find some other way out to have the book" he said which made me feel suspicious about it "Wait, what is so interesting in that book ?" I asked to which he just dismissed the topic and that just added more fire to my suspiciousness.

"Where is she right now ?" He asked to which I shrugged not knowing exactly where Camryn was, I sensed fear in his tone, his eyes were cloudy while his breathing fast and so was his heartbeat, I could just sense discomfort in his stance, "Are you alright ?" I questioned to which he nodded "yes......yes I am all good, well I will come over at your place today" he said almost stuttering which made me nod "Sure, you are most welcome, anytime" I said after which he walked his way out this room.

This was the first time I saw him getting uncomfortable and all afraid, he feared something but what ?

I stood up as I walked myself out of his study room and downstairs I bid my goodbyes to the Black Family as I drove my way back home.


Regina, Rebecca, Alexander and I were sitting in the living room as were talking about business, while Camryn was upstairs in our bedroom sleeping, she has been doing that a lot, only sleeping or reading some book which she denied for us to have a look on, as for now we were discussing about Mr and Mrs Robert, who just disappeared while it all came up alone on Aaron and Alexander they were now somehow managing the whole Business but they wanted Camryn back and that was the reason Alexander was here to talk about having Camryn back.

"It has been hard for me to control everything Regina, Camryn had her own way of handling this Business while she took advises from me and now when it all is coming upon me alone I feel like it is to much to handle while Aaron is doing great with handling this as well but we are talking about the Robert Empire and you know well that it's a brand name as well and not to forget Camryn still is a face to that empire, people know us because of Camryn and if we don't have her back in our business then I am afraid that our sales will be affected" he said as he looked up towards Regina who sat there hearing it all "And what exactly do you want us to do then ?" She questioned to which Alex sighed "I just want for you to allow her with getting back to our business" he answered as I watched Regina processing it inside her head "Alex, dear I have nothing against asking her to get back with her work but you do know her situation and I am afraid that she will say yes for this but if she does then I have no problem with her decision but I won't be pressuring her for anything for anything" Regina stated as she eyed him and we all were interrupted by a loud scream which came from upstairs and which had us all rushing upstairs and in no second we were all up and in the bedroom.

What we saw just left us all speechless, there was Camryn who stood up there on bed she had her eyes closed and it seemed like she was sleeping but still she stood there like she was awake while there was Alejandro who was down on the floor with his head bleeding while we all were just confused having no idea about what happened here made us all look at each other.

"Regina she, she tried to kill me...." Said Alejandro as he managed to get himself up while he eyed me and then Regina who was as confused as I was, "I just came here to see her and all she does is harming me" Ale said eyeing Regina who kept a blank face as she eyed Camryn who had her eyes wide open by now as they glowed bright golden but now it seemed like she was not Camryn but someone else.

"Father...." And here it was when Camryn interrupted Regina as she walked her way towards Alejandro "This man is not worth of being called your father Vasílissa mou" she said with venom in her tone as she eyed the man down near her feat.

"Tha....that's...Greek..." Regina said it out stuttering at the same time it shocked us both cuz no one knew Greek but only one person "How can..." I trailed off as I eyed Camryn who stood there staring Alejandro but soon her eyes met Regina's and then me, grabbing Alejandro by his collar she dragged him towards us "Speak Now" She said straining the last word which made me to close my ears.

"What ? Regina she is harming me and you are seeing her do that to me, she wants to kill me Regina..." And he was interrupted by Camryn, with just one gesture of her index she sent him flying against the wall as his back hit the wall.

"Wait...what is going on here, Camryn what are you doing ?" Asked Regina as she eyed her with anger rising up within her eyes, "He is my Father....!!!" Regina Exclaimed to which Camryn laughed as she eyed Regina "Your Father ? Is he now ?" She questioned more to herself then Regina.

"Let's find out, shall we Vasílissa mou" and with that said she walked past us with Alejandro being dragged by her spell itself while we followed her lead downstairs in the living room.

Once we were all down she eyed Alejandro as she made him stand up and then with a quick blow she sent him flying against the wall which made Regina to pull Camryn back towards herself facing her as she slapped her "he is my Father, God Damnit, you can't do that to him" Regina said her tone laced up with anger.

"This man here is not your Father Regina, your father died back then, he killed him..." Camryn was now interrupted by Regina who had her fingers out already casting a spell against Camryn and she had it aimed towards Camryn but before it could do it any harm to her she had her defensive spell casted all around herself and that just proved that it was not Camryn cuz she knew nothing about spells and magic stuff because not everyone knew it, these were something which only the people of ruling family were allowed to learn and not all while here only Regina knew how to cast spell cuz she was the future Queen to the thorne of Vampire kingdom besides that her parents knew it very well cuz off course they were the present ruling King and Queen of the vampire dynasty other then that the family of those chosen ones are allowed to learn that art.

While right now It could only be one person who knows Greek, who can cast spell and that to a defensive spell against Regina, it was Anne who had that audacity among all of us to compete Regina on her Level after all she belonged to the family of chosen ones and that when all of it came down on my head, The chosen family now were the Roberts and in that case Queen Anne must have some relation with Camryn.

"Regina I want you to hear me, he is not your father, he is someone else in your father's name..." She was interrupted by Alejandro "Regina no, don't listen to what she says..." Now it was her turn to interrupt him "Alright then, let's find out who is saying the truth" with that said Camryn walked her way toward me as she asked for Regina to do the same "He killed your father that day and although no one saw that happen but I witnessed everything, Under this Chandelier lies a coffin in which there is his body resting in peace...." She trailed off as she eyed Regina before having her arm out as she casted a spell on that area after which the floor under us cracked open as everything by now was shaking but that didn't stop Camryn and by now she had both of her arms out casting the spell and her power was felt everywhere, she had a great amount of energy emitting out of her body while her she was surrounded by her golden waves of energy.
To be continued...

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