B.H.C - 66

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Emma's Pov

We reached home within minutes all thanks to Regina who drove my car like a rocket almost giving me a major heart attack, no doubt she is indeed a good driver but when it comes to Camryn, her inner F1 driver shows up and then bam!!!

Actually I got a call from Rebecca saying that Camryn was actually feeling sick and they had to cancel the shopping trip, she was trying our call but as you people know, we we're really busy doing our business while our mobile phones were in the car.

I saw Regina run through the doors while I was yelling up on her to go slow ignoring which she disappeared by the Corner while I followed her lead towards the living room where I saw Camryn lying down on the couch with Regina beside her, she checked her temperature knowing which her eyes went wide as she eyed me "She is burning like anything Em, call the fucking doctor, call anyone...." She yelled back at me which made me to dial up for Megan and thankfully she answered while I explained her the current situation to which she said that she will be here in 10 to 15 minutes.

"Moh...me..." I heard my princess whimper as her eyes held tears in them "No feel...god" she said hardly making up a sentence which made Regina to look up for me as I nodded towards her assuring her that the doctor was on her way to which she sighed "I know Babydoll, you are Mommy's brave little girl, just hold on princess for a while, it will all be okay" she said as she laid camryn's head up on her lap while her palm was up on camryn's forehead.

Rebecca who stood there behind the couch was watching all of it "How did all of it happen ?" I questioned her to which she just shrugged it away and for the first time I felt like she was acting different but I didn't let it hinder my thoughts as my main concern for now was Camryn.

"Daddddyyyyy...." Just one word which had me kneeling beside her as her hand came up to which I intertwined my fingers with hers and they we're burning hot, I wanted to retract my hand but then again this was my princess calling for me "Yes, my babe, you will be fine soon, trust daddy on this one kiddo am gonna make you feel good" I said assuring the poor girl while I looked up at Regina who held her tears within those beautiful eyes.

Soon we heard footsteps leading towards us and I smelled them to be Megan, Vanha and Koray as they walked there way towards us.

"WHAT HAPPENED ??" asked Vanha as she eyed Camryn and then Regina then me while Megan had the thermo, introducing it orally she checked her temperature "Okay, Guys....her temperature crossed the boiling point, 220 F but I am not aware of any treatment I could provide her with due to her different physiology...." And Megan was straight away interrupted by Regina who had an outburst "...Then type of doctor you are...!!! You can't even treat her...just just leave everyone, I don't want help" and with that said she lifted Camryn up bridal style as she eyed me and I could see her bloodshot eyes which had worry in them, she walked her way towards the staircase with me following her.

Laying her down on the bed she crawled up beside her as she asked me to pick up some cloths for Camryn while she held her tight within her arms, "mommy.....can I have milkies" asked Camryn to which Regina Nodded as she positioned herself down near her, she pulled her top up as Camryn latched up to her breast sucking on it, she wrapped her arm around Regina while Regina pulled the covers up on them as I took my seat on the recliner chair and watched the due but the only thing which was running up in my head was eating me up inside, Camryn who is so powerful enough to fight any sort of disease or disorders then how come she was caught up with such a high fever, that means something is really wrong, either she saw something and knows something which she isn't supposed to know or she is trying to fake it all, but then again why would she fake it, I saw her eyes which were dull and full of shock, I saw her Crystal which was black, no she is not taking any of it and if she is not then what is the actual matter, something should have Happened in the mall which affected her so much.
To be continued...

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