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Emma's Pov

Revenge was such a terrific word to hear and when you have a wife like Regina then it gets 8X more terrific, here I was a Victim of that Terrific word named Revenge, we were all seated at the dinning table with everyone enjoying there dinner while me, I just wanted to disappear from here.

Regina was sitting right next to me while her palm was down at my crotch area, teasingly she was taking my breath away, it's not hard for you all to guess the situation I was in, I glared towards her which she ignored and from the other end I had Megan who had this curious look on her face, probably thinking about the reason I was making faces which made her lean backwards as she looked down under the table seeing what she condition I was in she made that sympathetic face and for some reason I wanted to kill her.

She mouthed a 'You are so gone tonight' towards me while I glared towards her, well I don't think I could do much in this situation but somehow I wanted to get rid of this and so getting up from the table I excused myself towards the Bathroom.

I was in a bathroom feeling exhausted by what Regina did at the Dinner table, I heard the door behind me click open as in Came Regina and she had something in her hands, "Felling good I see" she whispered seducingly  as she walked her way towards me and without any words she unzipped my jeans and slipped my boxer down, my throbbing length was now out as she eyed it, kneeling down in front of me she wrapped her fingers around my length, kissing the tip of it she looked up in my eyes.

She opened a box which brought in, fishing out a cock ring she slipped it on my Length, "This, is not any normal one, this has vibrators within it's layer, I want you to wear it for the rest of the evening, and then let's see....if you be a good submissive then you will be rewarded but if in case you loose to follow my instructions then you might as well see the face of your room Zero which you wouldn't like to go in there specially now when you are a daddy to Camryn, now would you Emma ?" She completed and I swear it was a moment I wanted to run away, I am not that good with the vibrators and that she knew very well, fuck me for doing what I did up there, I shouldn't have done that.

"Regretting it won't get you anywhere Emma, you should have thought it well before carrying me out naked and letting me fall down on the floor" she said while she fixed that thing on my Length, and the very first wave of vibration ran through my every single cell of body.

"I have the remote sweetie, it has 5 settings, with 5 being the worst one and let's see how far can you go" and with that said she was out of the bathroom living me standing her all by myself with this fucking toy around my dick.

Shocks of vibration began to grow more intense as I closed my eyes moaning, I hate Regina for doing this to me, 'I heard that and come down baby all are waiting for you my sweet wife' her voice was ringing in my head and it made me pull my boxers up followed by my jeans.

I walked down feeling the waves of it getting more intense and it effected my walking style, "Honey are you Okay ?" Asked my mom and with that everyone had there eyes focused on me while Regina was eating her dinner normally as if nothing happened, "Oh...ummm...ye...yeh mum, eve-rything is alright, just you know I have pain in my legs" I managed a stupid excuse which I don't think anyone would have Buyed cuz who am I kidding, I am a werewolf and we don't know what pain is.

With the corner of my eyes I saw Regina smirking as she increased the intensity which almost caused me fall down but somehow I managed to have some support of the wall, "Okay then, come here finish your dinner baby" said my mother who had no idea with what I was going through, Jordan and Max were laughing at me "Why is Aunt Em walking like a Bunny" they said to which Regina chocked on her food while Megan, Koray, Sarah and Kevin laughed at that which made Regina look up towards them with a rased eyebrow as she glared towards them which made them shut up well this is the reason I still love my wife till bits, she would laugh all she wants on me but she couldn't just have anyone else making fun of me or laughing at me.

Regina stood up from her seat as she walked herself towards me, "Come" she offered her hand for me to take as I entangled our fingers, she looked me in the eyes and winked to which I smiled, Regina had many sides of her and I was lucky to have witnessed all of them and the favourite side of mine is her caring and loving side which makes me love her more.

We finally finished our dinner and the intensity of the vibration was at it's Max and that I couldn't stand up from my chair, I came almost 10 times in a duration of half an hour, till now my Boxers were dripping wet.

"I think we should go home now, Emma is not feeling well and its past Camryn's bed time" Regina said as she eyed Camryn who was asleep within Alejandro's arms, he was deeply connected with Camryn and so he had her with him the whole time and Camryn didn't Cry much being with him it would be once or twice for Regina to breastfeed her and that's it I guess.

After we bid our goodbyes to everyone we walked out of the house and towards our car, getting inside the driver's seat I waited for Regina to get in and she got in with a crying Camryn as I looked up at Regina and she shook her head "She liked it with my dad and she doesn't want to leave" Regina explained to which I smiled as I caressed Camryn's Forehead.

We made it to our home sweet home and till now our little Camryn was asleep, I wish I was a child cuz all they do is Sleep, Cry, eat and that's it, how simple there life is with no trouble in it.

Regina carried The baby inside while I got her purse and all from the car, I was waiting for tomorrow to drag up soon because Sarah, Megan and Jerry had somethings to discuss which were important.

I took Camryn from Regina as I laid her down in the crib well I ordered everything today morning through vampire services and they are best known for there fast delivery and so by the noon everything was delivered, I ordered many thing like a crib, Day Bed, Toddlers Crib, some painting colours for Camryn's room, Hell loads of Pull Up diapers, Fresh wipes, Onies, cute jumpsuit, Bodysuits, night suits, hats, Mittens, Socks, ZipUp Hoodies and body lotions these were all baby stuff I bought today.

On the other hand Regina bought some stuff which refused to show me, I mean come on it's all a baby stuff and why would she need to hide it but since I know that she was stubborn and so I let it slip.

After when all was set we both crawled up on bed as Regina Snuggled up near me wrapping my arms around her body I pulled her closer oh and the Cock ring was still there but Regina had it neutral for the night but it was still an uncomfortable thing down there I still couldn't walk around like a civilized person, even Orangutans walked better then me.

"I love you Emma" Regina whispered softly as I caressed her back, it was a long and stressful day for my wife, "I love you too Baby, now get some rest, I will be awake for Camryn" I assured her and with my words she went into her deep slumber of peace.
To be continued...

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