B.H.C - 2

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I was now in my work room with my laptop and some cold coffee, oh and my work room well I designed it by myself as I wanted a private library in it and so I designed it with modern ideas and here I was working on some project.

Yeh so now talking about my family we are the "Roberts", we live in Sydney, Australia and my dad is one of the famous architecture, he is mostly out because of his work, he has his own infrastructure industry established in South Africa and so he stays there but he comes back home once in a month to spend time with us and I love him to death, you can say that I am daddy's little girl.

And my mother is a House wife well she was a Nurse but then my father insisted her to be home as he earns a lot to keep us all satisfied and also to take care of us and 'US' includes me and my brother Aaron, my mother is great she can cook almost anything, she sacrificed her life behind Me and Aaron as she instilled us with several life values possible and the ones which is needed for a practical living.

And talking about Aaron, well he has his own fashion house established and is popular among the celebrities but that didn't change his mind, he inculcate a down to the earth personality, he has a sort of out going character from all of us, he can make good jokes one of his quality I am surprised with, and that guy can almost go Cheerful to his Highly conservative and maintained self, he can just adjust himself accordingly to the situation and he is 30 Years old and is just married with a professor.

She is great her name is Rachel she is short in terms of height with a slim body and black long curvy hairs and has a well defined body, they are into BDSM lifestyle besides that she is really helpful, kind and thoughtful, both of them look too cute as a couple, my brother loves her a lot and he is off course way too protective for her as well as me.

While me, I am an 21 year old, 5"7' tall with black shoulder length hair, as I said before I am lot more of introvert and shy person, I would rather choose to be in my room and to read any book which is interesting off course or which consist all crime and investigation things I am happy with that, oh and cold coffee is appreciated by me while reading, and yes I am a "little" to but I never had that over whelmed feeling to act little infront of others so yeh this is something which is a deep and dark secret which I don't want anyone to know as that can affect my bitchy impression infront of others.

I love my bitchy and bossy personality as that helps me to keep up with the things going on around me and off course it helps a lot keeping up with some narrow minded and low, cheap people who are near me living in the society, the same society in which I live.

And there is another idiot in our house which is Alexander Hemmings, well he is my father's most trusted and reliable man, he is all for us a body Guard, a business handler on behalf of dad and he helps me with my dad's business, he is also my Personal Assistant, he is much more like my second father cuz all of the business tricks and techniques I know is all because of him he is also a good friend, guide and my secret keeper he does know that i am a little and that he is ohk with it and he is the one who handles me while I fall deeply into my little space.

So getting back to the moment, I was considering a plan on behalf of my dad as he wanted me to see the designs which he chose for his friend, actually his friend Mr Collin Blue is one of the famous hoteliers, he is the owner of "Blue Sea Hotel's" which is a world famous hotel branch, wide spread in different countries, and he decided to have one of his hotel branches here in Australia.

And so he asked my dad if he would like to help him and my dad happily took all of the responsibility as he made me to lead this project, and now I was having a look on the pictures, I double tapped the mouse pad to review the picture as it came on the window screen, I sighed as I figured something and that's when I decided to call my dad.

I dialed my dad's number on my iPhone as I heard that irritating ring and seriously guys thatttt ring irritates me a lot, after a while I heard my dad's low and husky voice "Hello".

"Hey dad" I replied as I felt him smile, "Hey princess, how are you doing today ?" He asked and how I missed him calling me a princess, well now can anyone of you deny that A girl's first true love is her father and The reason why daughters love their Dad the most is...that, there is at least one man in the world who will never hurt her.

"I am great dad, what about you ? and I hope you are having your blood pressure tablets on time trust me if I found that you weren't having them then trust me dad, I would be the one making your diet chart and would be glad to strike out all the sweetest thing you love to consume" I lectured him as I heard him laugh in his same Indian Accent as I rolled my eyes "You think I am joking dad..." He interrupted me "Oh no no no princess who am I to think that, and believe me I am having my tablets on time please don't strike my sweets" He begged which made me giggle as he sighed deeply "What happened dad, are you alright, is everything good over there" I asked concerned "No Princess it's just I am missing you" he said and sadness was felt by me in his tone.

"Umm...dad I called you for a reason" I said changing the whole topic, "What is it princess ?" He asked in his formal but soothing tone.

"Dad the designs you emailed me are out of date, can't we just go through the new stuff in the market I mean sure the designs are amazing but dad I want something modern sort of, you know which will attract people after all it's a hotel we are talking about" I kept my point of view in front of him as I heard someone informing my dad for his next meeting and my dad sighed listening to the lady as he dismissed her.

"Alright princess I have to go, and regarding the designs well choose then, I don't mind oh and yeh, Collin called me yesterday he asked me if her daughter can join you with the project, actually she have ideas regarding the hotel rooms and so you both can pair up if you want, and princess I know you like to work alone but it's all about there hotel and so I would like you to just go through it" he completed as I hummed to whatever he said, "right then dad I will try, and tell her to call or text me, I won't be the one initiating anything" I said which made him laugh "Alright, Alright I will do it, ohk then princess I really need to go as the board members are waiting for me, I will see you soon and I love you my princess, stay safe" he completed as I bid him with my good byes and love you's.

Ughhh huh, now this new problem, pairing up....!!!, damn why can't people just mind there own business, if she wanted to have her ideas added up to the plan then why didn't she take it all up on her own, first that Psychic doctor and then this New problem who wants to pair upppp.

I sighed deeply thinking about how will this work I wanna have this all by myself, I don't wanna pair up with any fucking one I am great working alone.


To be continued...

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