B.H.C - 71

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Regina's Pov

For a second there were tears in my eye, just imagining how much my father and my wife suffered due to this man standing right in front of me, in all way he didn't deserve a painless death, the crime he did was way to big for giving him a simple death, anger replaced my tears in eyes as I walked towards him.

"Any death wish you have ?" I whispered asking him making sure no one else heard this, instead of stating his wish he spitted out his blood, there now was a smirk playing on his blood stained lips "You have no idea, what you are summoning yourself with and regarding my death wish, I wish that the pain gets to you in the most nastiest way possible, may it destroy your new found beating heart and leave you in tears of despair and pain, you will live the life of pain for my death will be yours Regina" after what he said I couldn't just hold myself anymore as I gripped his throat and pierced my fingers deep within his skin on chest, gripping his heart I squeezed it enough to see him toss within my grip while I tightened my grip on his throat, with his words playing themselves again and again in my head.

I was brought back to reality by Emma who rubbed my back as I eyed her and then the person who was dead in front of me, I unwrapped my fingers from around his throat and pulling out my fingers from underneath the layers of his skin on his chest, my fingers were stained red with his blood after which he collapsed down on the floor lifeless, I never imagined myself to be in such a situation of announcing someone's Death but his deeds made me do what I did, without thinking anything I hugged Emma and in response I felt her arms wrapping themselves around me, "it's alright Regina, he deserved that for what he did, you did it right my queen" Emma kept assuring me which wasn't of a big help all I want now was going back to my room where Camryn was half lifeless, I wanted it all to go back as it was in the beginning, I was tired of it all.

"You need to end it up here Regina and then we can go up in our room" Emma whispered softly reading my mind as I nodded, I pulled away from her side, walking my way up towards the throne "Clean up the mess" I aimed it towards the guards as I waited for them to do there job, once the body was taken away, I cleared my throat to gain attention of the rest, "This, my people, what I did today is a warning for everyone out there, better think of the consequences before doing anything" I said as I glanced over the people who held fear in there eyes, for me, just like that day in history.

I was about to dismiss the Court but I sensed two unknown presence around me as I linked my mind with Alex asking him to find out the source of the presence outside the Court while I watched for it inside as I asked the members of court to take there seat, I was not in condition to take risk by endangering the life of my people, It's only after I get a 'clear' from Alex I would allow them to leave my sight, I went through people present in court but found no suspicious activity by any person as I waited for Alex to update me with the situation, I heard a strong painful cry from outside the court which alerted me and made me on my feet to walk out of the Palace court.

I saw a body lifeless on ground, with no head, the body had a spear pierced through chest while the head was ripped off the neck, It was Alexander, the band around his wrist had a purple diamond which I gave him as a symbol of my 'Main Man' also he had a green sash describing him as a right hand of GodFather and the chief of my people.

I heard Emma call me as I made my way towards where I heard her from, as she pointed out towards a tree as I walked myself towards it, shivers went down my whole body as I saw Alexanders head suspended from up the branch of the tree, with two arrows Pierced through his eye sockets, I stepped back seeing all of it, "I found a letter in his fist" said one of the guards as he handed it to me, unfolding the paper I went through it and it just had one word written,


Without wasting any time I commanded my people to get inside the court as they rushed themselves inside the Palace, Walking towards Emma I instructed her with everything, "Gather all of the senior citizens, females and children at one place, stock up the blood needed by everyone, make sure there is enough quantity for everyone of them".

I entered the court as I waited for my Gaurds to update me with anything they found and in between all of it I completely forgot Camryn who was up in room and it was then when two unfamiliar man entered the court with Camryn who was partially conscious, one of them held a knife against her throat, seeing which made my insides boil with anger as I launched myself towards them but was interrupted by a voice.

"Oh, no no no....Regina, you shouldn't even try to do anything which can lead my man to kill her and believe me I don't want any harm done to her cuz she is important for us as well" that said a women walked herself infront of me with powerful and negative vibes surrounding her, I could feel the intensity of the black magic which was radiating out of her body at the same time I recognized her to be Lucifer's Daughters, Lezabel and that actually explained me the concept of Corpse Spell which she casted on the coffin.

"Leave her" I said from in-between my gritted teeth's as anger was now on it's high, "Now I am not one of your Gaurds to obey your words" she said as I eyed Emma, Linking my mind with that of hers, I asked her to go behind them but carefully to not alert them with our move and she did as it was pretty much easy for her to get invisible while I distracted them from infront as I waited for Emma to take her position behind them and within few seconds she was ready with other best five Gaurds, eyeing Emma I nodded signaling her to bring it on and on my very command she shifted herself into her wolf and attacked the two men ripping the skin out of there arms and whatever part of there body was accessible by the beast while I took care of Lezabel.

I asked Rebecca to take care of Camryn meanwhile the Gaurds had Lezabel in there captives, as I walked back towards my throne but little did I know that the one I trusted the most with my daughter and everything and she was the one who back stabbed me.
To be continued...

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