How God created Hyenas

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Angel "my lord, some of these animals you create. i feel like there's something distinct to some of them."

God "oh? like what?"

Angel "well, female dominance. like the Praying Mantis, Black Widows,  Hyenas, etc."

God "are you telling me you're an anti feminist?"

Angel "no, I'm telling you that you have weird ideas about female dominance. Take Hyenas for example, they have a pseudo-penis that is basically an elongated clitoris where they use it to abuse the male Hyenas."

God "what's so wrong with that?"

Angel "what's so wrong about it is that they use the pseudo-penis for urination, copulation, and birth, which can make the birthing process difficult."

God "well, you have a point there."

Angel "they even kill baby lions!"

God "okay, okay, fine. I'll make proper animals next time. why don't you go on a vacation or something for now."

Angel "really? i thought you'd send me to hell! thank you, lord! *gets out*

God "Azrael!"

Azrael "yes?"

God "for the next creation, how about naming it, Angler Fish."

Azrael "that'd be amazing."


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