How God created the Manchineel tree

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Angel "God, what are you doing now?"

God "I'm creating this tree."

Angel "Tree? I thought you were just making animals?"

God "The title does not state "animal" it's just "things" so I can created trees and plants as well."

Angel "... whatever. anyways, what's that?"

God "The Manchineel tree."

Angel "oh what's the special something in it?"

God "it's poison."

Angel "oh, uhm, are the branches tough?"

God "also poisoned."

Angel "wtf, how about the leaves? what does it do?"

God "when it rains, hiding under this tree will poison you because of the sap in the tree could mix in the downpour. if you burn the leaves or twigs the smoke is enough to kill a full grown man and blind you for an amount of time."

Angel "what does the fruit do? Is the fruit sweet or sour?"

God "When a human or animal eats it, it causes the victims inside to begin to bleed internally. Then soon enough, the throat will get tighter making swallowing food hard, even your own saliva. The fruit is sweet though."

Angel "It's still poison!!" 

God "but it's still good to look at. I'll make it the forbidden everything, in the garden of Eden."

Angel "Why even put it there?!"

God "why not?"

God "why not?"

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