The Start of Something.

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Boy’s POV

“Okay so here is the bet.” Smirked Carlos “You have to kidnap a fan at the next concert, band to keep the fan the longest wins. Loser band has to sing the last show in nothing but in tightie- whiteies.” Carlos then looked at Louis for the rest.

“Rules are simple, kidnap the fan, age and gender do not matter, and you take them back to your hotel. You can’t tell them about the bet though because that would just be cheating.” Louis said in his hot accent with a boyish grin on his face.

“So what do you boys think?” Carlos asked grinning from ear to ear. The rest of the boys from the two bands looked at each other.

“Guys this could be dangerous.” Kendall stated standing and looking at everyone.

“Not to mention illegal” Liam added standing as well.

“Oh come on once the bet is over we tell the person and bang they don’t care. What fan would when they get to spend time with their favorite band.” Carlos stated matter of factly.

“Please I would feed them carrots every day.” Louis nodded excitedly.

“I hope you plan on feeding them more the carrots Lou.” Logan laughed from his spot on the couch.

“As long as they don’t eat as much as Niall does I think we are good.” Louis grinned from ear to ear.

“Hey!” Niall whined from the couch as the rest of the boys laughed.

“Come on lads are we in or are we out?” Zayn spoke for the first time. The members of the bands looked at each other, Louis looking deeply into Harry’s eyes.

“In!” All nine boys stated firmly. This was one word was going to change their lives forever.

Ashley’s POV

I woke up with a start. My phone was buzzing like mad telling me it was time to wake up. It was only 4:00am but we had to leave soon. My two best friends and I are driving down to California for BryAnna’s family reunion that Brittney and I are crashing. I rolled over and slid off my bed as my feet hit my colorful rug.

“Come on ladies up we go.” I mumbled turning back to shake the other two awake. BryAnna got up fairly well; Brittney on the other hand would not have it. “Come on Britt we gotta go.” I said shaking my best friend as my other stretched.

“Go away.” Brittney mumbled.

“Britt get up now or we will leave you and give your ticket to the concert to a hobo.” I stated firmly shaking her a bit rougher. With that said Brittney rolled over and punched me in the nose before sitting up. BryAnna bent over in laughter. “Think it’s funny. Next time you wake her up.” I said holding my nose softly.

We best friends are not only family reunioning it up, we would also be going to the One Direction concert. We had become recent fans and were excited when the chance of seeing them in person presented itself to us.

“Come on then what are we waiting for?” BryAnna yelled from the car after we had changed and gotten ready for the long drive. We had been smart and packed everything in the car the night before so we could just jump in the car and leave. I kissed my parents goodbye and the others waved at them. With that the us three 19 year old girls jumped into my Lumina and down the road we went not knowing what life had in store for us.

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