Let's Play

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Ashley’s POV

I was sitting at the keyboard playing again when the boys finally walked in, followed by their manager and posy. I sighed and turned to see them all smiling and high fiving.

“That was a great show boy’s. Now chop chop we have places to be.” Scott said clapping and with that he starts shuffling people out the door so the boys can change again.

“That was such a great show.” Harry smiled at himself in the mirror and the other boys just nodded and started taking their tops of.

“Hey!” I yelled shielding my eyes from the view of the boys. Apparently they had forgotten about me.

“Oh, sorry love.” I hear one of them; I think it might have been Niall, say.

“Who is that?” Louis whispered to the others. I turned and looked at him fiercely. The other four just shook their heads and Louis went pink in the cheeks.

“To the bathroom lads.” Liam said moving to the other room. As they walked away I heard Harry whisper to Zayn. “She was totally checking me out.” I rolled my eyes and began playing some more of the keyboard.

“I have to piddle.” I heard Louis yell from inside the bathroom and I just shook my head and smiling slightly to myself. I thought about how when I would be in the bathroom my brothers would pound on the door yelling that they needed to pee and I would just tell them to shut up. How I wish I was home with them yelling at me right now.

“Ashley?” Zayn says waving a hand in front of my face and I snapped out of my thoughts. “We’re ready to load up.” He smiled and walked out and I followed closely behind the boys. I quickly tossed on my sunglasses and followed Liam and Niall followed behind me. We climbed into their car Harry driving this time and Zayn sitting shot gun.

‘Thank goodness’ I thought to myself as I sat between Niall and Liam, Louis was in the back by himself.

“Off to the photo shoot.” Zayn yelled from the passenger seat and off we went down the road. I looked back and saw the paparazzi jump into cars and follow us.

“Do they follow you everywhere?” I asked Niall pointing behind us.

“Louis? Yeah we can’t seem to shake him off.” He answered cheekily.

“Oi!” Louis yelled back at him. I just shook my head.

“Yeah they do. It’s tough sometimes but then again it’s life.” Liam answered me straight forward and I just nodded thinking how I would hate someone following me 24/7 shouting questions at me and trying to get dirt on me.

“I’m sorry you guys have to go through that.” I said looking at my hands in my lap. Thankfully we were at a red light because every boy turned and looked at me. “I don’t think it’s very fair. I mean you are people sure you might be well known but your still just people.” I slightly whispered and glance up seeing all of their eyes on me and Niall’s mouth hung slightly ajar. Then I put my mask of fearless back on. “What?” I bellowed at them and they all turned looking in different directions.

“Thank you.” Liam said still looking out his window but I could see the slight smile on his face. I just turned my head back to my hands and stayed quite while the boys chatted happily.

‘Ashley Shhhhh.’ Brittney said putting her finger to her lips and I tried to muffle my giggle. We were hiding under the computer desk from Bry who had just walked in and was trying to find us.

‘Guys come on this isn’t funny where are you?’ BryAnna yelled impatiently, she was normally the mother hen of us other two. Brittney and I just grinned at each other through the darkness.

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