Back To Oakland Please

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Girl’s POV

“This is not happening…” Brittney sighed as they sat on one of the beds going over in their heads again and again every little detail.

“This is happening.” BryAnna was looking at the picture of ‘Susan’ “How the heck are we gonna get her back? It’s not like we can just walk into their hotel room and demand our best friend.”

“Well we should call the police.” Brittney offered

“And say what? Hello officer my best friend has been stolen by the world famous UK band One Direction. They would think we had gone crazy.” BryAnna shot at her.

“We can show them our evidence?” Brittney mumbled

“We barely have enough evidence to convince ourselves.” BryAnna sighed setting the computer down and pacing around the room. “We are gonna have to catch them while they are outside somewhere.”

“Well according to these pictures they are in Emeryville out on a boat.” Brittney showed BryAnna the pictures that were popping up all over the internet.

“Great we will take a cab to Emeryville and catch them on the dock.” BryAnna shouted making Brittney jump and fall of the bed. “Sorry.” She whispered.

“Alright but first I need to get ready” Brittney jumped up off the floor and grabbed her bag walking towards the bathroom.

“Brittney, are you kidding me. It’s already 3 o’clock they have been out there for hours.”

“Exactly and we both know Ashley. So they will be out there until the sun goes down.” Brittney giggled, BryAnna nodded knowing she was right and laid down while Brittney hopped in a shower.

Ashley’s POV

‘Move’ I thought to myself. ‘MOVE”

I was now frozen in the water. Terrified for my life. At least I got to meet the boys before I was eaten alive by a shark in front of their very eyes. I felt something against my leg and I felt tears in my eye’s

“What are you doing move women move!” Niall was yelling from the boat.

“This isn’t funny would you just move” Liam yelled. Louis and Zayn had terrified looks on their faces and Harry… Wait where is Harry?

I felt something rub against my leg again and that’s when impulse hit me. I kicked as hard as I could and took off swimming towards the boat. As I climbed up the ladder I took in my surroundings, having drowned all other noise out as I swam for my life. The boys were… laughing! I heard a groan from behind me and saw Harry climbing the ladder with one hand, the other covering his manhood.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked furiously.

“It was just a joke lass.” Niall laughed as he fell to the floor.

“What kind of a joke is that? You gave me a bleeping heart attack.” I yelled even louder.

“But yet, your still here to tell the tale.” Liam smirked at me trying to control his laughter.

“You boys are so immature.” I was fuming with anger. “Good luck with your bet boys because as of right now I don’t even want to look at any of you let alone kiss any of you.” I stomped up the stairs where Paul and the captain were.

“What’s got your knickers in a twist?” Paul asked as I sat in one of the seats still fuming.

“Those boys down there are just such… such… such BOYS” I shouted loudly.

“What did they do?” Paul laughed sitting next to me.

I told him the whole story and by the end he was fighting back tears of laughter.

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