Ashley has been kidnapped by One Direction

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Hey ya’ll! So this chapter is going to be completely from BryAnna and Brittney’s POV so I hope you enjoy it. Also right now I’m trying to see which boy Ashley should end up with or if she should end up with anyone at all. If you guys want to leave a comment for who you think she should end up with I would love to go with that! Thanks lovelies! <3

                -Ashley xx

“Ashley? Ashley?” BryAnna yelled into the phone, she knew it was pointless but she didn’t want to let her go.

“Bry she is gone.” Brittney sighed sitting on the bed. BryAnna through her phone on the bed and began pacing back and forth. “What are you doing?” Brittney asked staring at her best friend.

“I’m trying to figure out her clue.” BryAnna snapped at her. “Sorry” She mumbled and stared out the window.

“Oh so that’s what all that nonsense was.” Brittney nodded happily then frowned. “What did it mean though?”

“I’m not sure yet Britt. But I do know one thing. We can’t go home now not that we are about to find her.” BryAnna sighed and Brittney just nodded and picked up her phone to call her mother.

“Okay my mom hadn’t bought the ticket yet so that’s good. You want me to call your mom for you?” Brittney asked placing a hand on Bry’s shoulder who just nodded not taking her eyes off the window. Brittney walked over to the bed scooping up BryAnna’s phone and calling her mother, she had just caught her in the middle of buying the ticket.

“So you’re not coming home?” BryAnna’s mom asked

“No. We just thought of a few more things to check.” Brittney lied. She knew that if she told her the truth she would demand they gave the information to the police but she knew they wouldn’t be able to solve it. It was a clue made for Brittney and BryAnna. “We will call you if we have anything.” She hung up with Bry’s mom and went back to watching Bry.

“You do realize my brain isn’t going to solve it any faster if you’re staring at me right?” Bry sighed turning towards her.

“Sorry.” Brittney mumbled at her. “What are you thinking?”

“I think that it’s her encoding to us who took her.” She sighed sitting down in the chair in their room.

“Maybe it’s a crazed fan trying to get One Directions attention.” Brittney offered

“I thought of that but if that were true they would be advertising it right now not trying to keep it secret.” BryAnna dropped her face into her hands.

“Okay well maybe it’s some who hates One Direction and they took her to try and threaten them somehow?” She thought cuddling her pillow to her.

“We would still hit the same problem of them advertising it not hiding it.”

“Yeah your right, dang it! Who would want to take Ashley?” Brittney threw the pillow across the room.

“That’s just it. Nobody would. It can’t be a normal kidnapping. All we know is it clearly has something to do with One Direction.” Bry sighed again getting back up to pace. “Okay, let’s think about what she said.” Bry grabbed the little notepad and started scribbling things down. “Song titles. She used song titles but what do they mean?” She asked looking at Brittney.

“Well she used One Thing, which could mean anything. But she used Forever Young so maybe they are young? And I guess What Makes You Beautiful means they are cute? I Wanna Save You must be pointed at us.” She nodded.

“Yeah so we got it is someone young and beautiful and must be Irish.” BryAnna said referring to Ashley shouting about the luck of the Irish.

“Right so who is someone young, beautiful and Irish?” Brittney tapped her foot now singing What Makes You Beautiful in her head.

“That could be anyone.” BryAnna yelled loudly making Brittney jump.

“Hey no need to yell I’m right here.” Brittney yelled back at her. BryAnna just growled at her making Brittney hiss at her. This caused the both of them to burst into laughter.

“I’m gonna go take a shower. It helps me think.” Bry smiled grabbing some things out of her bag. Brittney nodded and lay down on her bed thinking as well.

BryAnna walked into the bathroom stripping down and jumping into a hot shower. She didn’t wash her hair or body, she just stood there letting the water hit her body and allowing everything sink in.

‘What could have Ashley meant by all that random bull coming out of her mouth’ BryAnna thought to herself. ‘A beautiful, Irish person, who is young. How could she think this would help them?’ Just then the last word Ashley had yelled hit her. “Twitter” She said allowed. Something stuck out to her. ‘Young, Irish and beautiful.’ “Niall!” She yelled loudly. Jumping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around her she ran into the other room where Brittney laid there starring at the ceiling. “Pull up Niall Horan’s twitter now.” She yelled. Brittney took in the state of BryAnna and did as she was told.

“Last thing her twitter was ‘Susan is the coolest person in the world I wish I could be just like her’ and that was a retweet of Liam. Man I hope Ashley never meets Susan, she will go all ‘don’t even try taking my man’ on her. ” She didn’t understand what was going on anymore but she still just rolled with it.

“Look at the other boys as well.” She said sitting on the bed next to Brittney.

“Zayn tweeted hours ago about the interview they did Louis tweeted an hour and a half ago about hating Susan for making him through his carrots out the window. Harry tweeted a video called ‘Truth or Dare gone wrong’” Brittney looked at BryAnna for some kind of answer.

“Play the video.” She said not helping Brittney understand at all.

Brittney pressed play and they watched as Louis threw carrots out the window whimpering every time one left his hand. Then he yelled ‘I HATE YOU’ loudly and the other people in the room, whom you couldn’t see, busted up laughing. ‘WHY?’ Louis yelled at the sky and then waved and the video ended.

“Play it again.” BryAnna said watching closely.

*One hour later*

“BryAnna this is a dead end. We have watched the video a hundred times and there is nothing there. Can we please go to bed?” Brittney whined. It was now almost 1am and they were both tired and their eyes hurt from watching the screen.

“You go to bed I’m gonna watch it a few times. Don’t worry I’ll use headphones.” BryAnna moved over to her bed grabbing her headphones out of her purse as she went.

“Don’t stay up to late Bry.” Brittney said tiredly crawling beneath the sheets of her bed.

“I won’t, night Britt.” Bry whispered

“Night Bry.” Brittney whispered back before sleep welcomed her.

BryAnna sat against the wall at the head of her bed ear buds in her ears watching the video over and over again for another hour. BryAnna started drifting off. As her eyes closed she heard laughter on the video. ‘Strange, that laugh sounds like Ashley’s’ she thought in her sleep deprived brain. Her eye’s shot open and she rewound the video listening again. “That’s her.” She whispered glad to hear the sound of her best friends laugh. BryAnna quickly pulled up a picture of ‘Susan’ and studied it. The more she stared the more and more she saw it.

“Brittney!” She yelled yanking the ear buds out and jumping up and shaking the sleeping girl in the next bed.

“Whatsthematter” Brittney rubbed her eyes.

“Brittney, Ashley has been kidnapped by One Direction.”

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