You Figured It Out?

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Ashley’s POV

I woke up with my head pounding and my body feeling achy.

‘Where am I?’ I thought to myself as I peeled open my eyes and took in my surroundings. I was in what appeared to be a hotel room, but this isn’t the boy’s hotel room. I then examined myself and notice I was tied to a chair. My arms were behind the chair, my legs tied together in front. My torso was tied to the midsection of the chair as well. I tried to wiggle loose but it didn’t work.

‘Whoever tied these must be an eagle scout.’ I thought as I looked around for something to use to get free. I saw a pair of scissors sitting on the bed side table. I figured I could hop my way over there like they do in the movies. I failed and ended up landing on my side on the floor, which meant all my weight landed on my right arm. I would have let out a yelp of pain had it not been for the tape over my mouth. I heard footsteps enter the room and I was sat up straight again.

“Maybe you should actually have blonde hair. You are certainly dumb enough to pull it off.” I heard a chuckle and turned to the voice.

‘What the what!?’ I yelled in my brain as my eyes laid upon Danielle Peazer.

“That’s right Ashley. It’s little me who took you. And now I know your little secret. So why the hidden identity?  Didn’t want people to figure out that you were a little slut so you made up someone else to be one for you? Couldn’t tell your friends so they started this whole search for you” She showed me one of the flyers with my picture on it.  She laughed as I my eyes sent daggers at her. “Listen her little girl. Liam is mine always has been always will be. Got it?” She was now in my face and I still just glared at her. She smirked and ripped the tape off my mouth. I let out a scream because it had hurt, very badly. “Awe poor baby.” She patted my cheeks.

“Don’t touch me.” I yelled in her face and then she slapped my across the face.

“I will do whatever I wish. Now I must be off.” She stood up to walk away.

“I don’t get it what’s the point of keeping me here? It’s not going to do you any good.” I yelled at her retreating back.

“As long as I have you Liam won’t and that is good for me. Now if you excuse me as I see it Liam needs some comforting right now. And who better to comfort him then his girl friend?” She smirked at herself in the mirror as she fixed herself.

“You’re not going to get away with this you know. Even if the boy’s stop looking my friends and family won’t.” I yelled.

“Greg help Ashley here call her friends and tell them that she won’t be let go until they go home and stop the search.” She yelled and left the room. I turned to the man named Greg as he pulled out his phone and a …gun?

“No funny business you hear me?” He said sternly and I just nodded. He untied my hands and handed me the phone. I dialed BryAnna’s number and prayed that she answered.

Girls/Boys POV

Everyone was scattered around the room. Brittney, Harry, Zayn and Louis were sitting on the couch watching the news. Niall was on the phone ordering some food for everyone, BryAnna was sitting on Niall’s bed watching her phone, and Liam was at the window look out it at nothing.

“Food should be up soon.” Niall said as he joined the others at the T.V. “Anything on the news yet?”

“Nothing. I’m not sure there will be anything either.” Brittney sighed putting her face in her hands. She was tired, they all were. No one had slept at all since they found out about Ashley. Even though they were tired nobody wanted to risk missing any news from Ashley. Harry patted Brittney’s back and let out a sigh of his own.

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