Getting there is half the fun.

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Ashley’s POV

“I can't be no superman, But for you I'll be super human I, I wanna save ya, save ya, save ya tonight…” We three girls sang as we drove down the I-5. We had finally left the house at 5:00am. We stopped in some little town I couldn’t tell you the name of, at around 9:00am for breakfast and to top off on gas. We were now making our way to Portland, Oregon. We had decided to take the more scenic route to Oakland, California, where the reunion and concert would be held.

“Who is ready to see One Direction in concert tomorrow night?” I asked from the passenger seat, BryAnna had taken over driving.

“Me!” The other two shouted

“Who is ready to get out of this hunk of junk of a car.” Brittney yelled from the backseat.

“Hey you leave Kevin alone.” I turned and yelled at the girl sprawled out in the back seat. “Kevin is the best little car a girl can ask for.” I stated firmly. “There there Kevin. That mean old Brittney didn’t mean it.” I said patting the dashboard.

“I swear Ashley. You have more love for this inanimate object then any one human being.” BryAnna laughed from the driver seat.

“I don’t know why I let you guys convince me to take Kevin you are so mean to him.” I pouted childishly.

“Oh come on. We we’re only joking.” BryAnna poked at me, I swatted away her hand.

“Speak for yourself.” Brittney laughed from the back. BryAnna gave her a stern look in the rearview mirror but burst out laughing after unable to keep a straight face. I threw my hands up in defeat and we started chatting about everything and anything.

Boy’s POV

“Oi! Hush up you lot.” Liam yelled at the rough housing boys. “We need a plan for tomorrow night.”

“It’s simple, we see a girl we nab her, bring her back here, and let her go after BTR let’s theirs go.” Niall said in his strong Irish accent.

“Why a girl?” Louis asked and all the boys turned and gave him faces that said ‘Really Lou?’ “Okay fine we get a girl. But how do we make her stay?” He asked sitting on the sofa.

“Easy. She see’s my face and bam! She’ll want to stay forever.” Zayn smiled looking at himself in a mirror.

“That may work on Liam but what if the girl isn’t into vain men?” Niall asked laughing as Zayn turned away from the mirror to glare at him.

“Don’t worry once she laughs in Zayn’s face at how pathetic he is in person, we send in the big dog… ME” Harry grinned pointing to himself and lifting his shirt up to show off his abs.

“Oh Harry. You know how to make a guy blush. Louis said and rubbing his hand on Harry’s abs.

“Oi, hands off Lou.” Harry swatted his hand. Louis frowned and went into fetal position on his side of the couch.

“Well know look what you have done Harry.” Niall said sitting down next to Louis and putting his arms around the sad boy. “It’s okay Louis. You can touch my abs if you like.” Louis then perked up and shoved his hand up the Irish boy’s shirt happy as can be.

“Okay so that’s it for the plan then?” Liam, normally referred to as daddy direction y the fans, said sitting in his chair shaking his head at his band mates.

“Yup.” They all stated, Louis adding five extra “P’s” on the end.

“Sometimes I just don’t know what to do with you lot.” Liam sighed heavily.

“Love us unconditionally.” Harry answered cheekily.

Ashley’s POV

“We are not lost.” Brittney shouted as we sat on the side of a road at 9:00pm.

“Then where are we?” I asked smartly from the back seat.

“We are somewhere between Redding and Chico.” Brittney stated firmly.

“Britt we don’t want to be going towards Chico, we want to be going towards… Santa Rosa.” BryAnna said from the passenger seat holding a map.

“Britt why were you heading towards Chico?” I sighed leaning forward to look at the map as well.

“I wasn’t trying to it’s just how it happened.” Brittney stomped from her position in the driver seat. Whoever had found it a good idea to let her drive whilst we slept was off their rocker.

“Okay Brittney switch me seats. I’ll drive and see if I can find a town to stop in and get some directions.” I sighed opening my door and hoping out into the warm summer’s night air. Brittney huffed and got out of the car stomping her way to the back seat and mumbling under her breath the whole way.

“Hey Britt. Once we get to the town I’ll find you a place to get some food.” I grinned as I pulled back out onto the road. With that Brittney’s face light up.

Around thirty minutes later we pulled into a McDonald’s parking lot. Brittney was out of the car and into the building faster than you can say ‘One Direction.’

“How can I help you ladies?” The man asked from behind the counter.

“We’ll have a 20 piece chicken nugget and a two cheeseburger meal please.” I order already knowing what the girls wanted.

“And what to drink with those?” He asked typing stuff on his little computer type thing.

“Coke, Ice Tea and Lemonade.” I listed off the drinks with just as much ease.

“Okay will that be all for you girls tonight?” He smiled cheekily at them.

“No actually. Can you tell us where we are?” I asked kindly.

“Of course you’re in the happy town of Shingletown.” He stated a little too happily for us three nineteen year old girls who had spent almost fourteen hours in a car.

“Great. And how do we get to Oakland from here?” BryAnna questioned tiredly.

“Oh well you guys need to get onto I-5 S.” He stated matter of factly.

“Great could you maybe write down on how we can get to I-5 S.” I asked sending a glare in Brittney’s direction.

“Sure can but that will be $15.46” He smiled and we paid the man and waited somewhat patiently for our food and directions.

“Your girls have a nice night. I hope you don’t get lost again.” The man yelled as we walked out into the night and back to the car.

I followed the directions and we were on our way once more. Finally after a few more hours we reached Oakland at around 1:00am. It would have been sooner if Brittney hadn’t insisted she was still hungry and we needed to make a second stop.

We walked into the hotel with sleep in our eyes.

“Simons” I stated to the night clerk at the desk.

“Ah yes miss Simons, room 417.” He said brightly handing me three room keys.

We lugged ourselves over to the elevator, deciding it best to get our things from the car later in the morning, except for Brittney who brought her special blankets and pillows up with us.

By the time we reached the room we kicked off our shoes and climbed into bed. BryAnna and I sharing one and Brittney having her own.

“Remember girls getting there is only half the fun.” A tired BryAnna groaned out as we all drifted to sleep.

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