More then they can chew

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Ashley’s POV

“Brittney would you get out already we all need a shower before we have to go.” I yelled from outside the bathroom door. We had finally woken up at around 10:00am and we wanted to do some site seeing before we went to the concert.

“Hey I want to look perfect when I see Harry and he realizes we were made for each other.” Brittney yelled from in the shower. I started banging my head on the bathroom door. I could hear BryAnna muffling a laugh from her spot on the bed painting her nails. “I’m almost done just chill your jets.” Brittney yelled and I groaned and walked over to join BryAnna on the bed.

“Hey be careful. I don’t want you to mess up my nails.” BryAnna scolded at me.

“Oh pipe down women.” I growled lying back on the bed.

“You’re just mad because I was smart enough to take a shower before Brittney got up.” BryAnna giggled.

“Again, pipe down women.” I growled louder.

“I’m done!” Brittney said strutting out of the steaming bathroom.

“Finally!” I sighed and jumped up, running to the bathroom. An hour later we were dressed and ready to go. BryAnna was in jeggings, a tank top and a cardigan. Brittney was in jeans, a tee shirt with a pink plaid over top. I sported jean cut off shorts and a yellow open back shirt.

“Let’s do this.” I yelled grabbing our hotel key and my car key’s throwing them in my purse. The three of us walked out ready for the first day of the rest of our lives.

Boy’s POV

“Come on boy’s get a move on. The fans are already outside waiting at the arena” Liam yelled dressed in his all black, ski mask in his back pocket. They didn’t want to recognize or it would give everything away.

“Yes dad.” Louis teased pinching Liam’s cheeks. Finally they were all ready to get this done with.

“Alright lads let’s be quick.” Harry said as they pulled up to the curb. They all put on the masks and nodded.

“Remember stick together.” Liam said and with that the all jumped out of the car.

They heard a ‘BAM’ followed by a soft “Ouch”

“What did we do?” Louis whispered looking on the ground at a body of a girl.

Ashley’s POV

“Guys, can we just move here?” I said as we walked down the street towards the arena.

“I agree. It’s so nice here.” BryAnna nodded in agreement. Just then we heard a loud screech from behind us, as we turned to look a mob of girls ran at us pushing us all different ways.

“Hey watch it.” I yelled and started looking around. “Brittney? BryAnna? Darn it.” I sighed looking around for my friends. I pulled out my phone finding their numbers to call and see where they went. Right as I looked up my face came in contact with a car door.

“Louis, look what you’ve done.” Liam squeaked.

“Hey why do automatically assume I opened the door?” Louis glared at him. All fours gave him ‘It’s always you’ looks and he just sighed. “Well she is a girl and she must be a fan so let’s just take her.” Louis nodded excitedly.

“Wha….” I said trying to stand but before I knew what was happening two pairs of hands picked me up and put me in the car that I had just hit with my head. “Hey don’t touch me” I shouted but the hands sat me in a seat and another set buckled me up. Finally they all took their own seats and I saw five masked face’s watching me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I asked in furry. They didn’t speak just sat and watched me. I grabbed at my pockets. “Alright which one of you little pickpockets took my phone?” One of them held up my phone and I reached for it. They just wiggled their figure at me pulling it out of my grasps.

“This is so stupid would you just let me go?” They all shook their heads in sequence. “All I wanted was a nice enjoyable vacation away from all the crazy at home but I can’t even get that. My life is cursed. Gosh what are they gonna do when they can’t find me…” I mumbled under my breath and crossing my arms with a “huff.” The boys looked at each other all knowing what the others were thinking… They had bitten off more than they can chew with this one.

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