Day of Surprises

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A/N: I have changed it from third person to first person! Please don't be angry it just is easier to write like this! Please comment and vote! Loves to you all! XX

 -Ashley <3


“It’s time to get up in the morning.” Niall sang distantly in my head

“In the morning” Liam joined in

“In the morning” Is that Louis?

“Got McDonalds breakfast for you” Niall was singing again my eyes fluttered open and I was surround by the boys.

“Just for you” Liam sang happily

“Or any other brand…” Louis added over lapping him.

“We drove two miles to get it.” Niall sat on my legs as I closed my eyes trying to block them out.

“So you better get up and eat it.” Liam whispered in my ear. “You don’t want to be a selfish lazy…”

“Crazy…” Louis giggled

“Girl…” Liam was tickling me now.

“Ashley…” Louis sang loud and off key.

“SO WE GOTTA GET UP. TIME TO GET UP. IT’S TIME TO GET UP. IT’S TIME TO GET UUUUUP! IT’S TIME. TO. GET. UP. IT’S TIME TO GET UP!” All five boys yelled jumping up and down. On the couch off the couch. On top of me, off of me.

“IT’S TIME TO GET UP.” Niall yelled

“IT’S TIME!” Liam screamed in my ear

“It’s time to get up.” Niall started playing and singing softer

“It’s time to…” Liam joined in.

“It’s time to…” Louis joined as well singing in a high pitch

“Get up dobbie doooo” Liam smirked

“Wakkkkkkke uppppppp” Louis and Liam blended their voices well here.

“TIME TO GET UP!” Harry yelled now jumping on top of me.

“Get off.” I groaned and rolling over so I was facing the back of the couch.

“Come on Ashley it’s a beautiful day and we have a surprise for you.” Louis jumped on me trying to make me face him.

“You are incorrigible.” I shouted and sat up knocking Louis to the floor.

“Oi” He yelled at me rubbing his bum.

“So what is this surprise you speak of?” I asked looking around the room. The boys were still not dressed for the day.

“We got the day off.” Zayn yelled happily dancing around the room.

“Good then go back to bed.” I laid back down covering my head with the blanket.

“Nope” Harry popped his ‘P’ as he uncovered me. I let a low growl at him. “Don’t growl at me… It’s a turn on.” He winked and I just rolled my eyes.

“Okay I am up now what pray tell do you want at…” I glanced at the clock and my eyes widened. “6:15 in the morning?”

“We are going to spend the day together.” Niall smiled at me sitting on the other end of the couch.

“Early bird gets the worm.” Louis nodded sitting on the couch as well.

“I don’t like worms.” I sighed and laid back down putting my legs across the two boys on the couch.

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