I Think I Found Ashley

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Ashley’s POV

We had barely walked through the door of the hotel room when I was swept away from the boys and pulled into the other room. For the first time they closed the door in between and I was surrounded but four strangers.

“Hello” I said cautiously with a slight smile.

“Look at her. How are we going to fix this in an hour and fifteen minutes?” One girl shouted and I glared at her.

“Don’t mind Lola she doesn’t work well under stress.” The man in the room smiled at me. “I’m Travis that is Ali and Tabby. And of course Lola.” He pointed to each girl in the room. Ali and Tabby smiled at me, Lola just gave me a slight nod.

“Right so what should I do first?” I asked looking around the room. They had just about everything to help make someone look good.

“We should probably wax her first and while we are doing that Travis can work on your wig.” Ali smiled and tossed me a short robe to put on.

“Okay… Wait you know about my wig?” I asked shocked.

“Of course we do now hand it over to Travis and go strip and toss that robe on we don’t have long.” Tabby smiled at me and I nodded taking the wig off my head and handing it to Travis. I then walked into the bathroom stripping down to my underwear and threw the robe over me. I walked out and Ali pushed me into a chair.

“Have you ever been waxed before?” She asked getting her supplies ready.

“Just my brows and lip. My mother use to make me get it done.” I answered. I saw her eyes go to my legs. “Oh no… Please no.” She started nodding. “Can’t we just shave them?” I begged her but she shook her head no. They decided to do both legs at the same time so Ali was on one and Tabby was on the other.

“OW” I kept yelling at them.

“Stop squirming or I will have Lola sit on you.” Ali yelled as I twitched at her touch for about the fifth time. Lola gave me the death look from her spot at the mirror waiting to do my make-up and I bit my lip threw the rest of the process. I was now turned over to Lola and her magic hands for make-up.

“Your face is a little red. What did you do today?” She asked putting concealer on my face.

“We played in the sun all day.” I smiled at her.

“Don’t move your face.” She replied and my face turned to stone. While Lola worked on my face, Tabby and Ali did my nails. They chatted happily about their lives. Tabby has a serious boyfriend and is waiting for him to purpose. Ali has a little boy, who I got to see many pictures of, with her boyfriend but isn’t sure she wants to get married. Lola doesn’t have a boyfriend, shocker. Travis says he just likes to date not date date.

“Do you have anyone special?” Travis asked me wiggling his eye brows at me.

“Nope, it’s just me, myself and I” I sighed but Travis didn’t look pleased with that answer.

“There are five boys out there ready to bang you like there is no tomorrow and your telling me you’re not interested in any of them?” He smirked at me.

“No I am not. We are just friends nothing more. Why trying to get the scoop for the paparazzi?” I joked with him.

“Now that is offensive.” He said in a mocking hurt tone.

“It is what it is.” I giggled as Lola took a step away from me.

“Done.” She sighed in relief. We only had 20 minutes left for me to be ready. Everyone looked me over and was very satisfied with their work. “Let’s get her dressed then.” They unzipped a giant white laundry bag that was lying on Harry’s bed and pulled out the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. It was a light coralish color that was shorter in the front and longer in the back.

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