Let me go!

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Girls POV

“Brittney have you seen her yet?” BryAnna asked still looking around worried, she had a bad feeling.

“No and she still isn’t answering her phone.” Brittney panted; she had just run around the whole arena trying to find Ashley. “Maybe she went to our seats?” BryAnna just shook her head. Ashley wouldn’t just go to the seats then not answer her phone.

“You’re sure you checked the bathroom.” Bry asked looking worried as hell.

“Every single one in the building.” Britt answered still a little out of breath.

“Britt maybe it’s time we talk to someone.” Bry suggested looking down at her watch; they had been searching for an hour already.

“Yeah come on let’s go.” Brittney said walking towards the security guards by the door.

Ashley’s  POV

The car came to a halt and before I could look and see where we stopped someone tied a blindfold over my eyes.

“Is this really necessary?” I huffed as they hauled me out of the car; again nobody answered me. I could hear other people walking around me and I opened my mouth to ask for help but a hand covered my mouth softly.

“Shhhhh” They whispered in my ear and I jumped slightly at the sound of a male’s voice. I could feel us enter an elevator.

‘We must be high up then.’ I thought to myself as I waited a long while for the ride to stop. When the ding came and the doors opened they all rushed slightly down the hallway. I heard the door open and I was pushed over the threshold. I then felt myself being pushed down into what felt like a chair. Finally my blindfold was removed and the hand from my mouth was as well.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked the still masked faces, and then I took in my surroundings. I was in a huge hotel room. All the masked people looked from one to another. One of them, I noted, had a creepy look in their eye as they made eye contact with a few of them.

Just then a man dressed in all black walked in. “Boys you have to go now before you’re late.” He said then caught eye of me. “Don’t worry I’ll keep an eye on her until you get back.” He added and the ‘boy’s’ nodded and waved good bye to me, I crossed my arms and looked away from them, lividly pissed.

After they left the man spoke again. “I’m Paul.” He said holding out his hand to shake mine. I looked him up and down then shook his hand

“Ashley” I stated firmly.

“Well, Miss Ashley is there anything I can get for you? Anything you need?” He asked kindly, I decided I trusted him.

“Can you let me go please?” I asked staring him straight in the eyes.

“I wish I could love, but I cannot.” He said sincerely. I fell back in the chair with a ‘huff’ “But don’t worry I’m sure once the boy’s get back you will understand a little more.” He smiled at her.

“Who are they anyways?” I asked a little less angry now that someone was actually talking to me.

“I’m sorry my dear but the boy’s wish to introduce themselves to you. So while we wait can I get you anything?” He asked her again.

“No thank you. I just want to be let go.” I said crossly

“I understand Miss Ashley but please know that you are not in any danger here.” Paul said standing. “I’ll be just outside the door if you need anything.” He nodded and left the room. I was now upset again, in danger or not I didn’t want to be here. What would my friends do once they found out I wasn’t just missing but I had been kidnapped? What about my parents? They are two states away and probably don’t even know I was missing yet. ‘Oh Lord please help me’ I thought to myself.

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