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(Eren's POV)

Mikasa and I decided to meet at the café for a hot chocolate drink. Mikasa didn't seem too happy about me calling. She seemed excited when I said 'hot chocolate', but overall, She seemed... not happy.
I don't mean she was casual or anything, but she seemed annoyed, angry, even. Like she didn't want me to call her.

I arrived before her and ordered my drink. The cute waitress you seem to be pretty fond of was there and was kind as usual and served me the drink. She asked me: "so... you're waiting for someone?"

"Yes. I'm waiting for my girlfriend." I replied.

"And she's taking too long, I can see." She said.

"You're right. I'll call her. And thank you for the drink." I said.

"You're welcome."

I grabbed my phone that was on the table and called Mikasa.

"Hello Mikasa. It's Eren." I said.

"Hey Eren." She said in a calm tone. A tone that suggests she is bored or annoyed.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm coming. It's just that I was doing some, uh... dish cleaning! Yes, dish cleaning! I'm... leaving the house right now! See ya in a minute. Bye!" She said and hung up.

"Damn. That was rude." I said to myself. "Dish cleaning? Of all things?"

Then before even putting my phone at the table I received a call from Armin. My best friend. A nerd who knows all about technology and science and is pretty good at what he does.

"Hey Eren!"

"Hey Armin. How's it goin?" I asked.

"Cool. So what's up?" Armin asked.

"The ceilin'. I'm waiting for Mikasa." I said.

"Oh yea. That's what I called. She is acting a little bit suspicious. I overheard her talking to Sasha about some guy who's 'cute' and 'handsome'. That's what I was able to hear though. She also said that she wanted to meet him." Armin said.

"What? Are you serious? And who's that guy?" I asked.

"Not Jean, obviously. Because I overheard her say that she hates him. I heard that this guy was tall and buff. Unlike Jean." Armin stated.

"Ok. Thanks. You and I'll talk about that later, but thanks. Bye now." I said. Armin said bye and hung up. I placed my phone on the table and awaited Mikasa's arrival.

"Cute guy? Who is he? Is Mikasa cheating on me? And with who? A tall and buff guy?" I said to myself.

(3 minutes later)

The café door opened. I saw Mikasa come in. I waved my hand and motioned her to sit. She sat in front of me. She didn't seem as happy as she usually is but I decided not to spark a conversation about the subject but rather subtly cheer her up throughout the rest of the day.

"Hey, Mika. What took you so long?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just I've been doing shores. I told you so. Kept you waiting, huh?" She said casually as if nothing has happened. The waitress came back with Mikasa's drink and another for me.

"So... is there something you've been doing lately?" I asked her.

"Yea. Stuff." she casually replied again.

"And are you up for something tomorrow?" I asked.

"No. I'm busy doing stuff. I barely got enough time for this date." She said in an awfully rude manner.

EreMika: You Broke My Heart... And I'll Fix It MyselfWhere stories live. Discover now