Our Trust Broken

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Mikasa was so sad about Eren, it made her become depressed. Especially since it was her fault he broke up with her. But also at the same time, it wasn't. She was drugged. Almost no one knew that. Mikasa Ackerman will never be the same again.

Mikasa tried to contact Eren a few times but she couldn't. Eren might have moved away but Krista was visiting him so Mikasa tried to contact Krista multiple times but every time she tried, Krista says he's fine or ignored her questions about Eren. Sometimes saying that Eren is 'fine and he doesn't want to talk to you'.

Mikasa didn't want to let this go unanswered. She wasn't going to sleep knowing that the person who caused her misery is not gonna pay. She decided to visit Jason.

(Mikasa's POV)

"When I see that motherfucker, I'm gonna fuck him up pretty bad." I said to Sasha on the phone.

"Mikasa! Don't go there! He'll hurt you!!" Sasha yelled but I ignored her and hung up. I wore the leather jacket Eren gave me over the shirt and then wore the red scarf Eren gave me as a gift. I then wore my skintight pants and took my phone and a few stuff I needed and left the house and locked it.

I ordered an uber and waited patiently outside my house for it to come. I called Eren one last time but he didn't answer. Then I texted Krista and told her to tell Eren that I'll always love him no matter what. The uber then arrived and I entered. I told him where to go.

"Do you freestyle?" I asked the driver.

"Yes I do!" He answered.

Then the driver proceeded to deliver some fire when I started beatboxing. It continued for a while until he got tired. Then he played the song "closer - chainsmokers". It made me think about Eren and how we aren't together anymore.

Eren never told me we broke up himself. He asked Armin to do it. He came with Krista and Jean and told me so. I locked myself in my room for a few days. I tried to text and call Eren but he never answered.

I remember calling his mom and asking about him. She was awfully nice to me. She told me that there is no bad blood between me and her but I have to sort things out with Eren myself. She is right. But how am I gonna talk to Eren if he doesn't answer my calls and my texts? His mom didn't give me his house address but I knew Krista has it. I forgot to ask her about it.

I arrived at the place where Jason was supposed to be located. An old warehouse he stays at.
'He's gonna pay.' I thought to myself.
I walked to his rotten crib and knocked on the door.

"It's open!" He shouted from the inside.
'What a disgusting prick! He doesn't even move his ass to open the door!' I thought.

I kicked the door open and entered. He jumped off the couch he was sitting on and yelled: "What the fuck?!"

His anger turned to happiness as he saw me and approached me with a smile and open arms for a hug.
'Does he honestly believe I'm in the mood for a hug?!' I thought.

I punched him in the stomach and pushed him away. He tripped on some crap on the ground. Mostly boxes and some soda cans.

"What are you doing you bitch?!" He shouted. I started kicking him all over.

"You destroyed my life! You made my boyfriend leave me! I made a horrible mistake..." I said the last part while looking down. I started to cry.

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