Not a pleasant reunion

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(Eren's POV)

'Is she gone?!' I asked myself.

I was stuck doing the damn dab pose for a solid 3 minutes straight! She stared at me for two and I waited the third one to check if it was safe.

I exited the shop after I thanked the employee for letting me pose and then I decided to exit the mall... But not after I got myself a smoothie.

I kept walking slowly, looking left and right to see if Mikasa was still there.

I saw her three times but I was far away so I was safe. I hated those three times I had to see her in.

I blended in and from the way I saw it, I couldn't stand out in front of the people. I was a grey man. And that was handy.

I wondered the reason she'd be here, why she would come out of her way to see me. I do not think there is any chance I might've had something of value to her. If I did, I'd know of it.

I bought myself a smoothie and exited the hotel.

I then called Armin and told him to meet me in the parking lot. We were supposed to meet in the mall somewhere but now that I spotted Mikasa, I didn't want her to stumble upon Armin.
That would confirm her suspicions.

I arrived at the parking lot and saw that Armin was already waiting there. I approached him without making a sound.

He saw me and decided to open his mouth and speak when I expected complete silence.

"Hey Ere-" I cut him off by placing my hand on his mouth.

"Shh! She's a floor below us." I said.

"Come again? Really?" Armin asked.

I pulled him towards the ramp in a position that shows the floor below us.

She was going to her bike, and such an amazing one! I guess rich people would get anything for their children. I pulled Armin away.

"I saw how she looked at you as you posed as a dabbing mannequin." Armin joked with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Well I couldn't hide and she was in the same store as I am so I didn't have any other choice." I explained as Armin stared at me:

"Do you think she actually knew it was you?" He asked.

"No. Because she said, and I quote: Guess they're following the trends."

"Oh. Ok. I thought she's smart enough to realize it's a human in a ridiculous camouflage. And especially YOU!" He stated.

I heard Mikasa's bike cruise away.

"Now that's what I call a close shave." I said. "Call Sean. Tell him we're safe."

"Will do." Armin complied and we parted ways for the day.

I decided to head to the top floor for no particular reason and check the view out for a while.
I watched all the people come in and get out of the mall, carrying lots of bags, bringing their kids along, leaving with food, and lots of other stuff.

I decided to take this time to think about Mikasa once again. The memories of us when we were happy together and together rushed into my head as I started to happily daydream as the time went by.
But then then I remembered how she cheated on me. Her words kept playing back in my head like an old cassette tape.

'No. I don't like him anymore. He's boring after all.'
She never felt bored as long as I remember. At least not when I was around.

'I'll tell him that we're over tomorrow.'
She didn't even have the guts to do it. I didn't even give her a chance, as far as I remember.

'You're my only love, you know that?'
I hate her guts, you know that, my fellow reader?

I sighed and stared into the sunset and just admired it for a second without any interruption.
Lately I feel that the sunset is a great distraction from anything.
It's something that I can clear my mind with and admire when I feel bored.
I placed my phone on silent so that I can't be interrupted. The sunset was too amazing for anything to bother me.

And I stared... at the orange circle in the sky as it vanished behind the deep blue sea, bringing the loneliness of the night with it.

It was then nighttime. I was still on the top floor of the parking lot. The stars shine in the sky and I stare into the darkness and zone out in my thoughts.

But then I felt soft hands wrap around my back. I immediately turned around to see that I was a few inches too close to none other than Annie Leonhart.

My eyes were wide open in shock and my mouth was speechless. I was confused but shocked more than confused.

"Annie..." was all I was able to spit out of my mouth before her lips were on mine.

She then separated from me and looked me in the eye with a smile that I have never seen on her face at all. Never.

"I missed you." She said.

"I-I... how?" Was all I asked.

"Did my digging." She replied.

I pulled myself together got my posture back together.

"More like, torture and maybe rape." I replied.

"I may seem like it but I'm not an evil person Eren. I'm just cold and I admit it. But my heart becomes warmer when I think about you." She said.

"Oh really?!" I exclaimed with the widest eyes and the biggest sarcastic smile ever.

"Now my life has gotten even worse than it actually is!" I shouted to myself as I walked left and right, back and forth disappointed with life.

"Let me make it better for you, Eren." Annie suggested as she placed her hand on my chest and inched closer.

"And how wilt thee doth that jump? Please don't beest shy to pray pardon me thy ways of curing sadness, mine Russian cousin ." I said

"Excuse me?" Annie raise an eyebrow.

"Annie. No. I can't. You're cute and all, but no. I just can't. Being with you is just another reminder of a past I want to keep buried."

"Let me start something new with you! Let us be together! At least give me that chance. Please..." Annie begged.

"Sorry... I can't, Annie. I'm very sorry." I said before I walked away from her.

"Well Annie I got a few things to attend to. I may or may not see you ever again." And with that I left, turning my back to the hot blonde and headed towards the staircase door.

I placed my hand in the handle and turned my head slightly around.

"Respect my decision. I wouldn't come back here if I were you. Forget about me and move on."

And then I made my way out. I swear I heard her cry.

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