The End

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(Mikasa's POV)

A Beep.. A Beep.. A Beep.. And then another Beep.

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself lying down on a soft bed. As I was doing so I saw an IV pole with a bag containing a blue liquid attached to it. Looking at my left arm I saw the injection needle thing plastered to my arm.
The beeping sounds were those of the heart monitor.

Suddenly the door opened and a nurse came through. As she approached me she realized that I'm awake.

"Oh hi there! You're awake!" She exclaimed.

"I'm Petra, the nurse in charge of you. How are you feeling?" She asked.

I instantly got the feeling she's the fun and energetic type. The one who's always this happy and smiling and does their job perfectly while also having a fun time and enjoying it to the fullest.

"Seen... better days." I replied.

"Well trust me, you'll be better in no time." She reassured

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"A few hours at most. It's only 3:30 AM." She replied.

I looked at the liquid I'm being injected with and then back at her.

"What is this thing?" I asked.

"This? This is an antibiotic liquid. It's for-"

"Okay I get it. Who's the doctor in charge of me?"

"That would be Doctor Jaeger."

I nearly jumped out of my bed when I heard his name. Petra quickly rushed in and sat me back down.
"No, don't get off your bed this soon. You've only just woke up."


"I get the feeling you know Dr. Jaeger?"

"Yes. Yes I do, he's the father of... my ex."

"Oh... I, uh... I'm sorry to hear that." She stated.

"Is anyone here to see me?" I asked.

"Of course there is! There's your mom, dad, and friends! I'm gonna go tell your parents to come in, okay?"


Petra went and called for my parents who rushed in.

"Mikasa!" My father exclaimed. "Oh dear I was so worried!"

"What happened to you, sweetheart?" My mom asked.

"I don't know." I lied. "I... can't seem to remember."

"Thank goodness you're okay, that's what's important." My dad stated.

"More important than your work?" I asked, confronting him about the fact that he was not there all summer.

"Of course it is. You're my daughter. Nothing, and absolutely nothing is more important to me than you and your mother." He replied.

I got the sense he was telling the truth. He was always there for me when I was in my best of times and my worst of times. But he's been leaving for lots and lots of business stuff that I do not bother to care about.

"Who told you to come?" I asked both my parents, clearly confused as to who contacted them.

"It was a guy with a deep voice yet he sounded quite familiar." My mom said.

"So he didn't tell you who he was..." I said.

"No. He only told us that you were in this hospital, not as a visitor, but as a patient. He gave us the address and that was it." My mom stated.

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