The BlackList

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(Mikasa's POV)

After that adventure I had with the gang and meeting Armin once again, we returned back home. My mom had called 23 times and I didn't answer because I kept my phone on silent and fell asleep in the van.

I took my bike back from Jean's place and then took Annie back to her place and then went back to mine.
The 24/7 security team were there to greet me as they opened the mansion gate and told me that my mom is furious.

I parked my bike in the garage and went inside the house, expecting a whale of yelling and fighting, but I have a trump card.

I walked inside the kitchen, and grabbed myself a glass of orange juice. When I closed the fridge. My mom was there, looking at me with furious eyes while crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the ground.

"Where were you, young lady?!" She asked.

"A trip. With my friends." I replied, casually.

"You didn't call, text or inform me in any other way that you were going to be out! And I'm supposed to just let you go like this?! Remember what happened last time?!" She asked. Referring to the time Jason kidnapped me, catching me by surprise.

I gave her a cold look, signifying that I was very hurt by that comment of hers, she did realize what my look meant and she didn't speak a word for 20 seconds straight. Silence was never more awkward between us two.

"You're grounded. From here until the start of your first day in high school this year. And I better see you working hard and focusing on your future, not busy roaming around with your friends doing useless, meaningless things all over the country!"

"I believe you'll eat every single word you've spoken once I show you what I've accomplished with my friends, dear mother." I stated.

"Oh? And what did you do, young lady, hm? Get a job offer? Find a spouse? Discover something?" She asked.

"So close, mom! I knew you were somewhat smart! Yes I did discover something. But I only happened to discover said thing while retrieving something that was stolen from us because of you and dad's incompetence at safeguarding said stolen item!" I exclaimed.

Raising en eyebrow in confusion I realized that she did not know what I was talking about despite it being pretty obvious. And that's when I realized that RedWeather was right. I should be the one who safeguards the necklace.

"What do you mean?" My mom who's GrEaT at keeping things protected and take care of family heirlooms.

I took off my jacket, slowly and in a seductive way just to piss of my mom with what is to her, ill behavior. And that's when the sacred Ackerman necklace was revealed to the shocked eyes of my incompetent parent.

"H-How did... How did you... The Ackerman Necklace, I..." She trailed off.

"I found out where it was and went with my friends to retrieve it." I stated while looking at my fingernails in the manner that one would use when claiming an achievement like it's no big deal. "Now WHO is the bad Ackerman in this situation? Not me? It's both you and my dad!"

"I've never... been more proud of you... in my entire life..." My mom stated while her gaze is entirely focused on the necklace.

"My eyes are here mom!" I stated playfully as I pointed at my face.

"Oh yes!" My mom snapped out of her trance and looked at me in the eyes before pulling me into a hug.

I then hugged her back passionately but little did I realize that she started crying on my shoulder.

"I thought we've lost it forever! Thank you darling! You're the best!" She said through her crying and weeping.

"Thanks mom." I replied and instantly broke the hug. "But I get to keep it. Not you, nor dad!"

"Yes." She replied. "It's all yours by right. Especially now since you proved you can keep it out of the wrong hands."

A few minutes later I was done explaining to my mom some bits of the story that could seem legit while also imagining some parts and lying about them so that I don't reveal to my mom that I am being spotted and that I fought Triads and Yakuza.
I went after that to my room where I decided to kick back and relax. But little did I know that it was time for me to do something really important.

A message popped up on my phone screen. It read: Take the Phone.

I pulled the white box out of the bag and placed it on the nightstand. I took the phone out of the box and then turned it on. That's when I noticed, after scrolling for a few seconds, an app called BlackList.

Another message popped up: Open App.

I opened the app, and that's when I saw a list of pictures with the names of the people in them in the bottom of each picture.

"What's this?" I said to myself.

On the app there were the names and pictures of:
Jack RedWeather.
Carl John Davis.
Tyrone Jackson. (Small School Attacker)
Franklin Brown. (Big School Attacker)
Demetrius Armstrong.

When I read his name my hand quenched into a fist. Jason's name didn't have a last name.

I clicked on Jack's picture and it loaded a bio all about him.

Name: Jack RedWeather
Age: 21
Profession: Multiple businesses owner and manager.
Dealings: Mildly Shady, Small deals with crime lords.

'Who lists the type of dealings one does?'

Name: Carl John Davis
Age: 32
Profession: Barber, Professional criminal.
Dealings: Very Shady, Illegal drug and arms sales.

'Now that's interesting.'

Name: Tyrone Jackson
Age: 19
Profession: Small time criminal, thug.
Dealings: Shady, Illegal drug deals.

'He's very pathetic.'

Name: Franklin Brown
Age: 23
Profession: Small time Criminal, thug
Dealings: Shady, armed robberies, muggings, gang fights.

'He's somewhat dangerous.'

Name: Demetrius Armstrong
Age: 40
Profession: Homeless shelters and pharmaceutical company owner, Drug lord.
Dealings: Extremely Shady, arms smuggling, drug smuggling, multiple deals with corrupt officers, large gang leadership, etc.

'Now that's someone I don't want to cross paths with. I wonder what the homeless shelters he owns are like.'

Name: Jason (???)
Age: 21
Profession: ???
Dealings: ???

Reading Jason's name, I realized there was nothing listed! As if no one knows who he is or what he does! He's in no way that deep into organized crime!

Then I got a text message. It read:
Demetrius Armstrong was at the auction. He bought a number of items but his focus was on the Ackerman Necklace. He knows it's with you. Take him down before he takes you down. Completing the mission will reward you the key to Eren's box.
Warning: Demetrius is a very tempting, seductive and persuasive. Keep your focus.

"What am I, your hired mercenary or something?!" I said to myself before tucking in bed.

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