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(Eren's POV)

I was so sad and devastated. I could not think of anything. I think I exhausted my mind and tears. I didn't have the energy to do anything at all. I just laid there, my mind thinking about nothing. Just blank. Not happy, but not sad either. Just some place in the middle with no emotions whatsoever.

My mom then knocked on my door, snapping my mind from its emptiness and making me regain my focus.

"Eren? I brought you breakfast." She said. I got up and opened the door.

My mom entered the room. I sat on the bed and she grabbed a chair next to the bed and sat on it after she placed my breakfast near the bed.

"Eren are you okay?" She asked.

"Yea. I'm fine." I said tired. Not even making eye contact with my mom.

"You were crying a lot yesterday. There must be something wrong. Can you tell me?" She asked.

"Yea... no." I replied.

"Eren, look. I'm your mother. You can't keep things like this hidden from me. I'll feel worried about you. You're my one and only son, after all."

"It's just... Mikasa is cheating on me." I said.

She gasped. "Oh my god! How unbelievable! How can she do that?!" My mom asked.

"Well... she found... someone better." I replied.

"Impossible!" My mom said. "No one is better than my sweet little Eren. She doesn't deserve you. You'll find someone better eventually." She said.

"Yea... I... I hope so..."

"Eren... I just... you're not the only one who has bad news, Eren." My mom said, out of the blue.

I got confused. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Eren we're... we're moving to a new house" my mother said.

"That's great news!" I said excited, jumping out of the bed.

"Whoa there. Why're you excited?" My mother asked, confused by my sudden excitement.

"Why not?" I said "I get to leave this shitty town behind and find better people to meet. Also I don't want to live in the same town as Mikasa Ackerman anymore."

"Oh... okay."

(Time skip)

We packed all our stuff and we were ready to move. Without hesitating, I placed all my bags in the car and waited for the moment to leave.

"Eren! Eren!" I heard Armin shout as he ran in my direction.

"Eren! W... What's happening?" He asked.

"I'm leaving, Armin." I said.

"What?!" He asked again. Not sure he heard me right.

"I'M LEAVING!" I shouted in his ear.

"No..." he looked at me with wide eyes. "You're kidding right?"

"No man. I'm legit leaving." I said.

"Why?!" He raised his voice.

"Because I can't take it anymore! ... Also my mom has got a new job near the hospital that my father works in so... yea." I said, adding a little comedy into my statement.

Armin looked at me for a few seconds before starting to shed tears. He hugged me like it's the last time. Which it was.

I knew it's a bad idea but why not? I mean leaving isn't that bad. I'm not gonna return because I... because my heart isn't fully healed yet. I'm still broken inside. I need time. Time away from everyone. I needed to start a new life.

Though you would one day return, would you?

Yes... when the time is right.

EreMika: You Broke My Heart... And I'll Fix It MyselfWhere stories live. Discover now