The Ackerman

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(Mikasa's POV)

"Hello?" I heard Ymir ask from the outside while banging on our door. "Are you two awake in there?"

My eyes opened to see the back of a naked Annie on the other bed. Still hearing Ymir banging on the door, I grabbed the bedsheet I was covered in and removed it off me, only to realize that I too was completely naked.

"Ugh, did we go too far last night?" I asked myself.

I grabbed some fresh clothes and put them on before going to the door and answering while still half asleep.

"Yea?" I asked.

"It's 12:15 PM!" Krista said from behind the door.

"Come on, we're going to survey the place one last time before we move out tonight." Ymir said.

"I just woke up... can you leave me be for just a moment?" I asked.

"We're all here for you, now get your girlfriend up and let's go." She said, I jolted at her saying the word 'girlfriend'. It's obvious this is a coincidence and she didn't know a thing but it still shocked me nonetheless.

"Ok, I'll get ready and meet you at Jean's room." She said before leaving with her girlfriend.

So I closed the door, entered the bathroom, did my morning routine, and then went to the backpack to check for my stuff. There I stumbled upon the medicine I was prescribed. I grabbed the bottle and took a moment to look at it, thinking about my current mental state.

"Goddamnit, I don't even know who I am anymore. I'm... I'm not sure I'll be myself... not without Eren." I said to myself.

I decided not to take the medicine and just placed it back on the table and went to wake up Annie.

"Hey... wake up." I said.

"Mmmm...." I heard from her.

"We need to go."

"Okay... give me... a few minutes." She replied

"How many?"


"That's six hours."


I then grabbed her feet and pulled her off the bed!

"Mikasa no! Hey! Stop! Hey!" She screamed as I pulled her down. "Okay I'll wake up!"

"I'll wait for you in Jean's room." I said before leaving the room and heading to Jean's.

When I arrived there I saw the door open so rather than knocking on it I opened it casually and walked right in.

"Oh hey! You're here!" Connie said.

"Of course I'm here."

"So Jean tell her about what we planned." He said.

"So. You and Connie and going to sneak from the back, yes you're going to climb the hill, while the rest of us are going to go head on, from the front while you go stealthily from the back. Now the operation can only succeed if you and Connie can actually infiltrate the base and take back the necklace. We will knock out the guards at the gates and then wait for you to get to the power switch and cut the power to the entire lot. Connie at this point would dress like a waiter and pretend to be giving out drinks to the people so when the power goes out, he'll sneak in and grab the necklace from the stand. Then we will get out of there as planned." Jean briefed me on the plan.

"But, uh, where's Annie?" Connie asked.

"I'm here" Annie said while entering the room. "Where are the two girls?"

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