Sweet Dreams, Mika...

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Thank you guys, very cool.

Mikasa found herself dreaming about Eren. How he would lay there next to her in bed, caressing her lovely short hair and kissing her forehead.

"You're so gorgeous," He said, drawing a smile on her face. "I miss you so much."

"Where are you, Eren?" She asked. "Why did you leave me?"

"It's complicated," He answered. "I wish I can see you, though. I've been trying to grow fond of you again."

"And... Did you?" Mikasa asked, but Eren did not answer. He only stared at her with eyes gleaming with love. Eyes that she is so desperate to see again. Her questions came from her heart. She asked what she wanted to know the answer to. Little did she know it was just a dream. The Eren that lies next to her is nothing but a figment of her imagination.

Everything she asked seemed legitimate and made sense to her, but she wouldn't ask Eren these questions if he were to be with her in real life. It was all believable to her. Tears of joy crept down her face as she smiled at the man of her dreams. She went to touch his chest, only to feel a liquid covering her hand. Taking a look at it, she froze when she realized it was blood.

"Eren... What's this?" She asked, horrified. The smile on the boy's face faded away, replaced by a look of nothingness.

"It's my heart. Someone injured me and I'm bleeding," Replied Eren.

"Who? Who did that to you?" She asked, her voice calm but concerned at the same time.

"It was you," He replied. Mikasa's eyes widened. "You made me bleed."

The tears that flew down her face were no longer of joy, but of gloom and melancholy. The tears were accompanied by sobbing and intensified as the Eren she looked at bled even more and more, maintaining his void expression.

"Why?" She cried. "Why do you have to suffer like this?"

"I don't know... I do know, however, that you are the only one who can heal this wound."


"Yes. I'll be waiting."

Mikasa's eyes opened as she jumped up. Panting, she looked around her and realized that she's in her room. She sighed knowing it was a dream, feeling relieved that it was all smoke and mirrors. However, she felt sad at the same time, seeing Eren leave once more. His voice was so vivid, it almost felt real. It almost felt like it was the real Eren, not a figment of her imagination. Everything about him was exactly the way he looked, from his face, to his voice. His eyes, his hair, and the love she felt for him. All of them were Eren.

She looked at her hands to make sure that there was no blood. She sighed once again and went to check her phone. She looked at her phone to see that it was 2:30 AM and everybody was still asleep. Unable to sleep herself, she got up and walked outside to the balcony where she looked at her surroundings alone.

EreMika: You Broke My Heart... And I'll Fix It MyselfWhere stories live. Discover now