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(Eren's POV)

"Hey Eren. It's spring break." Sean said to me as I turned to look at him.

"Yea! Isn't this cool?"

Before he could answer, I got a message from Krista.

Krista: Hey Eren. Armin told you that I'm coming to visit, right? Can you text me your address?

Me: Sure

I sent her the address.

Krista: Ok thanks! I'll be there tomorrow, ok?

Me: so soon? Awesome!

Sean looked at me and asked "Eren, who was that?"

"She's a friend" I replied. "Her name's Krista Lenz. She's sweet, you'll become friends very easily."

"She hot?" Sean asked.

"To be honest, yea. She's that blonde girl with blue eyes that has every boy in her school drooling for her." I explained.

"Oh. Okay. So she's comin' to visit you because?" Asked Sean.

"Well she wants to. And she's my friend so why not? Also she's sleepin' in my room." I said.

"Great. The more the merrier!" Sean said with a tone of excitement.

"Anyway, let's continue making my YouTube channel." I said. "So... I have to do regular videos every day or can I stay inconsistent until I get ads?"

(The Next Day)

"Hey Eren." Krista was on the phone.

"Hey. Look I'm waitin' outside my house. I told you about my roommate right?" I asked.

"Yea. Sean. Anything wrong?" She asked.

"No. Everything is fine. I'm just checking."


30 minutes later, Krista arrived at my house with a taxi. She got out and ran to me to hug me. I hugged her passionately. Then I took her bag and we went inside. Sean was waiting inside.

"Hey Sean! This is Krista. Krista, this is my roommate Sean."

"Nice to meet ya' Krista." Sean greeted her.

"Nice to meet you too!" She greeted and then they shook hands.

"Lemme show you my room. You'll be sleepin' in it. I have to beds in it." I said.

Then I noticed the red blush on her face.

"I, uhh... sleep with you? I, hehe, uh... I'm.." she suffered and trailed off.

"If you don't want that, I'll sleep in the living room. The choice is yours and the couch is very confor-" she cut me off.

"No! Nononononono! It's perfectly fine! Don't worry about it! Haha!"

"Oooookay. Eren I'm leaving to buy some stuff. We'll need lots of vegetables for the salad. So long!" Sean said before exiting the door.

"Okay. Lemme show you my room." I said.

I took the suitcase to my room and Krista followed me. I could feel her nervousness the closer we got to my room.

When I reached the door I slowly opened it but also kept an eye on Krista to see that she was shaking, literally. She was shy, I can understand that.

"Don't worry. We'll be the only people in this room." I said, trying to calm her.

"O-O-Okay. I-I'm excited, Hehe!" She stuttered. She looked at the bunk bed and calmed down. She started to look around her, admiring the room and the design.

"The top bunk is yours." I said, referring to the bed. She looked at me and nodded with a smile. She then approached me and hugged me.

"I missed you." She said in a calm and whispering voice. I smiled and said "I missed you too."

(Time skip)

"Eren? Are ya there?" I heard Sean shout from the door. He's a bit loud but doesn't matter since he's a good person.

"Yea. I'm over here." I said.

Sean walked towards the living room and saw Krista and I watching movies together and eating popcorn and drinking soda. He looked at me with a shocked look on his face. The shocked expression turned to a smirk. He started to wiggle his eyebrows up and down while smirking at me, signaling that he knows what I did. And what I did is not very nice.

"Whatever you're thinking, Sean, it's not true." I said sternly.

"What does he mean?" Krista asked while she looked at the both of us.

I looked at her and then back at Sean. Then I got up from the couch and dashed straight at Sean. I grabbed him and kept pushing him to the kitchen.

"Seán William McLoughlin. Whatever you think, it's not true. Ok?" I asked him sternly.

"Ohohohohohoho! I know what you did there!" He said with a smirk.

"No i did not do the 'thing' with her, okay?" I said

"Are you sure, mate? Are you sure you didn't knock the hole off her?" He said and looked at me like this:

"Are you sure, mate? Are you sure you didn't knock the hole off her?" He said and looked at me like this:

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"SEAN! I DID NOT FUCK KRISTA! OKAAAYYY?!" I whisper-shouted but not too loud for Krista to hear.

"Ok, ok, I got it. Geez, calm down, dude." He said.

"Alright, alright. But no more perverted stuff, okay?"

"Of course."

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