The Search for LoverBoy

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(Mikasa's POV)

"Hello. Does Eren Jeager Live here?" I asked the person that opened the door for me without taking a proper look at him and knowing who he is. But when I looked, I was stunned with who I saw.

"I know you!" I said.

"Y-Y'know who I am?" He asked kinda nervous.

"Yes!" I replied. "You're that YouTuber who makes gaming videos!"

"Oh yea! That's right. I'm Jacksepticeye! You can call me Jack fer short!" He said.

"Nice to meet you Jack!" I said as we shook hands with a smile. "By the way, do you know someone named Eren?"

"E-Eren?" He seemed a little taken back by the name.

"I have met lots of Erens in my life. Krueger, Grayson, Johnson etc." he said.

"Yeager. Eren Yeager." I finished.

"N-No. I don't recall anyone by that name, me lass. Sorry." He said.

"Oh then. Sorry to waste your time." I said in a sad quiet voice but then I cheered up to make the situation less awkward.

"Anyway, thank you Jack. Goodbye." And with that I left.

I decided to head to the mall and do some window shopping to ease my mind and relax a little bit and take my mind off the whole Eren situation for just a teeny tiny little bit.

The mall was just 20 minutes away from where Jack supposedly lives. It was filled with people's cars in the parking lot and it was hard for me to find a space for my Kawasaki 2011 Ninja ZX-10R but I did eventually with a bit of luck.

I entered the mall, looking for some video games and clothes, my taste was kinda dark these days. It reflects my mood for missing Eren.

Everyone notices that change the second they see me. They see that I feel even more depressed than any time I've been if an X family member dies.

When Eren left I felt like most of me left with him. I was so distracted by how attractive that asshole Jason looked that I even forgot about the love of my life.

I remember Eren once saving me from a few human traffickers and ended up killing them. I already knew him back then and I was attached to him already but after that night, I never separated my life from him. In a way I was like a fangirl for him, but I knew our connection was deeper than that.

I continued walking through the mall until I found a video-game store. On front shelves, it had the new game, Injustice 2.

Pretty ironic, considering my situation right now. I bought the game anyway and continued shopping because I had enough money for a few items anyway.

I passed by a familiar clothes shop, then after looking at the name I instantly remembered that that was Eren's favorite clothing brand.

I decided to shop for a few items that I'm pretty sure would remind me of Eren.
I bought a few T's and a few V necks. Some of them were black, dark red or Dark blue. But I also bought some bright clothes that I'm pretty sure Eren would love.

On my way out I noticed a mannequin that was actually actually dabbing in front of the glass window.
That mannequin had a cap, a long sleeve shirt and some skinny jeans. I couldn't see it's face through the MEME DAB it was doing.
It was a little taller than me, as far as I can tell.

"Guess they're following the trends." I quoted before I headed my way and did some more shopping before I decided to call it quits.

I felt eyes were watching me all the time. I thought I was being followed by someone.
I shrugged it off as a horny pervert(s) and if they got close I'd break their arms.

I headed out of the mall and back to my bike where I placed the bags in some luggage bags I had attached to the bike.

I picked up my helmet and was going to put it on when I noticed that there was a small paper inside it. I pulled it out and read it's contents.

He's mine. Don't try to take him back.

From the handwriting I knew it was Annie.

Now this confirms it. Annie does have a crush on Eren after all! At first she just teased me by getting 'too close' to Eren and lightly flirting with him. But I guessed she was pleasing herself with that. She loved it.

But there is only one person who deserves the cute German and that's me!

I'm not gonna let her take him away!


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