Small World

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(Ymir's POV - Flashback)

He's the talk of the entire school. From teachers, to students, to any other staff member all over the campus. Eren Jaeger. A boy with many mysteries surrounding him ever since day 1.

He's been able to seduce many, many girls that I've seen many boys drool over. He left not a single one of those girls returning to his house over and over and over.
I was surprised at how he was able to seduce every type of girls, from hoes, bookworms, shy girls, girls who like to help everybody, to delinquents, goth girls and even me.

After I've heard of him, I've tried to avoid him. I believed that he was just a jerk. A playboy. A kid who thinks that he can control all women and treat them like objects. Like nothing other than obedient slaves...


I was wrong.

I finally met him at a time when I was alone in the basketball court. I was very alone. Not a soul in the entire court. I was practicing just for the sake of passing time. I am great at basketball and I really enjoy spending time training and honing my skills.

Then I started to hear some clapping. I looked at the source of the clapping and witnessed a boy, dressed in a black leather jacket, jeans and a pretty nice pair of sneakers. The clapping was slow. One clap at every second.

I stood for a while there and just stared at the boy without doing anything. The ball was on the ground and I didn't pick it up as it rolled to my foot.

"Marvelous. Truly Marvelous." He said while still sitting with one leg over the other. "Where did you learn how to play like that?"

"What do you want?" I asked with a slightly aggressive tone.

"I want to watch. I mean you no harm. Please. Continue playing." He said but I didn't listen to him and picked up the ball and went on my way to change clothes.

When I finished and exited the locker rooms, I opened the exit door only to hear the kid's voice again. Apparently he was hiding behind the door all the time.

"I wonder why don't you tell people about your talents in basketball. Is it because you fear that you won't be accepted into a team or being called a tomboy? Hmph. I genuinely wonder." He stated but I didn't respond and just walked away at a faster pace.

But he caught up to me.
"Hold on. I'm not trying to be rude. First of all. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Eren."

"I know who you are. You're the womanizer of the school. So you didn't find any good chicks for you today so you came to me?" I asked.

Eren then backed away slowly with his hands raised in a surrendering manner.
"Uh, sorry... but no."

"Then what do you want with me?" I asked.

"Well... you're the last person inside the campus, save for me. I just decided to drop by and say hi."

"Oh really? And why are you still here, huh?"

"Was... doing some business."

"Okay now, you better leave me alone before you lose any of those fuckboy teeth."

"It's raining outside. Why don't I accompany you to your place. I have an umbrella, if you don't mind, that is."

We were close to the exit door. I looked outside and noticed that he was right. It was raining outside and I didn't carry an umbrella with me. And I wasn't willing to walk home running and arrive drenched from head to toe.

"Ugh... fine. But only for this time!" I said. And he nodded with a smile. A cute one, actually, not one of those smirks a horny womanizer does.

We walked home, me staying silent most of the time. Eren tried to spark a conversation but I was not really willing to talk to him. But then he said something that really got me out of nowhere.

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