For Eren

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"Annie! NOO!" Jean screamed as Reiner and Bertholdt held him on the ground.

"You're gonna give me Eren's number and address." Annie threatened "or else."

"On my dead body!" Jean yelled.

"Then we're gonna have to do this the hard way..." Annie said while slowly approaching Jean

"Oh no... no! No!" Jean screamed.


(Meanwhile in Eren's house)

"Eren. Focus." Armin ordered

"I CAN'T!" Eren shouted.

"Calm down Eren! Jeez!" Sean said.

"This stuff is too complicated!!" Eren shouted. "I can't handle this!"

"You should stop thinking about Zgirls and popcorn for a second and focus here!" Armin yelled.

"But Armin I don't want to get kicked out of my Zgirls alliance and I want to watch Doctor Strange and Logan!" Eren said.

"Studying comes first!"


(Back to Jean)


"If you don't give me his number, I'm not gonna stop tickling you." Annie said without the slightest expression on her face.


"Finally." Reiner commented.


Jean gave Annie Eren's number and address.

"Armin is living there. Also please don't tell Mikasa. Please." Jean implored "Eren is still shocked by what Mikasa did to him and he can't stand seeing her or even the slightest mention of her."

"Okay. I won't tell her. I promise." Annie said.

"For Eren?" Jean asked.

"For Eren." Annie replied.

(Eren's POV)

"For me?!" I asked as I looked at the box in front of me.
It was a heavy cardboard box with lots of stuff inside.
This can be noted by the fact that the noise that comes out of the box are stuff hitting each other.

"I hope nothing's broken."

I pulled the box all the way to the staircase and tried to lift it up.

"Oh god! This stuff is heavy!" I commented.

A few minutes... okay, half an hour later, I finally got the box to my room. I grabbed my special lucky knife and used it to open the box.

What I found is my new computer that I ordered a few days ago.

"Oh my god! Armin! Sean!"

Finally. I was a bit worried.

Everything's fine. I got it all up and running.

Though of all things you could've ordered, you chose a computer.

I didn't need anything too fancy. Just the computer for now.

You know I'm not amazon, right?

I do.

Next time, make a decent order. I have lots on offer.

Alright. I'll make sure I do. But in the meantime, I'll be sticking to my pc, thank you very much.

I'll be here if you need me

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