Demon's Blood

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(Mikasa's POV)

"Why did you go there without us?" Jean asked about my encounter with Armstrong yesterday.

"I've accomplished my mission and that's it." I replied.

The gang, save for Connie and Armin, were all at my place confronting me after I told them that went for Armstrong all by myself.

"You would have gotten killed!" Annie exclaimed.

"Yet here I am. I am alive and well."

We were talking on group chat when I decided to mention that in the group. I didn't mention however that I was drugged or what saved me. I didn't even mention the phone I found in Eren's place.

"We could've helped you." Ymir said.

"I completed my task alone and it was fine, thank you."

They all came rushing in, as if prompted. I didn't even tell them to come.

"Mikasa, we're a team." Krista stated.

"And I didn't want to put you in harm's way."

The gang was somewhat right. I didn't want to put them in harm's way but they could have helped me big time. The thing is, I was barely able to sneak in alone. With a group of five others with me it would have been a hell of a mission to attempt.

But in the end it was my mission and my mission alone. They don't understand what I've been through. And to know that Armstrong had a hand in it, it was inevitable that I'd find him and deal with him. Even though I didn't deal with him myself.

I still felt relieved in the end. Like a heavy burden was lifted off my shoulders. But I still had to know who the shady individual is.

"Mikasa. We need to know whether you trust us or not. Are we really that unimportant to you? Just an inconvenience? Would you really leave us and go whenever the opportunity arises?!" Jean asked.

"Of course not. I didn't want you to get involved in this one. That's all. Otherwise I would've told you." I stated.

The argument was getting heated. No one stood by my side on this one.

"You really think we're this weak Mikasa? Really? After all we've been through?" Jean asked this time getting close to my face.

"Stand back."

"Let's face it. We're nothing to you. I think if we weren't even there, you would've gone after the necklace alone too, huh?"

"Don't even go there, Jean."

"You don't care if we also want to meet Eren as well. It's obvious. It's all about you. It's never been about me, seeing my friend, not about them seeing their friend! We were supposed to work together and help one another. But you chose to go alone. Not even telling us before you go."

He then got close to my face.

"We're nothing to you."

I pushed him away and yelled at them all.

"It was him! It was him, okay! It was Armstrong! He was the one who funded the research for the Pawn's Bliss! The drug Jason used on me! And I had to make him pay for what he's done! None of you will understand what I went through. All the physical and mental torture that I endure and fight every single day... none of you will understand that."

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