Heist Aftermath

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(Mikasa's POV)

"Whoa..." Jean said as a reaction for everything I just told them about what happened. To be honest, I didn't expect a reaction to this to be intense, but I also believed that it might just make the gang lose trust in me as everything I said would make me look like an insane person, and after everything I've been through, I cannot say for sure I'm sane.

"So your bloodline... existed for the entire history of humanity?!" Connie asked.

"Yea." I replied, not feeling like I can add much to that.

"Wow... that's just... unbelievable, well technically it is somewhat believable because all bloodlines in a sense, existed from one point in time to another, and others just may or may not exist today. But, what's truly unbelievable is that your bloodline, existed throughout the history of the world, untainted and unchanged for all that time! And not just that, your ancestors had a relic for it that makes you pretty much aware of your ancestry and... that's too much to take in... And it's all magic! Literally magic!" Annie exclaimed.

"It's all true. But I don't know what I should do now, besides returning this home." I said, pouting at the necklace that I still wore.

"Who knows what more powers this thing might contain, and really, there must me more to it than just seeing through the eyes of your ancestors. I really think there must be something bigger." Connie stated.

"I don't just think that, I believe it." I said to the gang. "Now let's get out of here while we still can."

Entering the elevator and descending down to the ground floor, I thought to myself about what RedWeather up there told me, he knows a lot about the Ackerman family, and he knows what this necklace means. The only problem there is that I left him in a bloody pool of his own blood, and he needs time to recover.
And so do I. I needed the time I had to reflect on my life so far. I needed to see where this journey is going to take me.

My dad, he must know more about this necklace, but he rarely returns home these days, so I only have my mom to ask.
She's an Ackerman too, just not from the same direct family tree of my dad. She's Japanese that moved with her family to the US for some reason, I still didn't ask her why, not that it is important at the moment.

Existing the elevator, we walked to the hotel exit where we were supposed to split up and go on separate ways to make sure we aren't followed.

"Now that was something to remember. And that took everything we had!" Connie stated.

"You should be proud you gave it your all." Jean replied.

"I've got nothing left." I added.

But right as we exited the door, I heard a rifle being loaded to our left. We all turned in that direction to face what would be the receptionist, holding a grudge, and a fully loaded rifle.

"Oh you think I'm a fool, huh? Someone you can play with? Control?! Oh, baby... you made a wrong mistake." He stated.

His body was shaking, his eyes were fixating on us but he wasn't aiming the gun correctly, which means he would not have much control over what his shot might do. He looked very unstable. The area where Annie hit him with the blast gun is very visible. He was bleeding from it too and had a bloody nose. His breathing was very erratic and fast. He was very angry, scared, and out of control.

"Calm down... we didn't want to hurt you, we were just here to reclaim what's ours." I stated calmly, choosing my words as carefully as I could and speaking slowly and gently.

"Oh yea?! Well look what you did to theses guards! What would an insignificant receptionist mean to you?! I'm nothing just another obstacle in your chaotic and destructive hurricane that leaves nothing behind! Now you're gonna wait here while I call the cops and have you all arrested!" He exclaimed.

"You realize that this gathering here is illegal and is an auction for black market items? Especially this necklace right here that was stolen from our house." I explained.

He stayed silent. I looked at the name tag he had on and his name was 'Benjamin'

"Okay, Benjamin. Listen. I'll cut you a deal. You put that gun down and let us go and I'll tell you where you can find a briefcase stacked with thousands of dollars." I stated, but that didn't seem to sway him not one bit.

"Do you think I care about your money Especially dirty money?! No, you're gonna pay for what you did here. Any last words?" He stated.

And just after he finished saying that he was knocked out by an elbow to the back of the head. And a guy was stood there behind him, dusting off his hands.

"Didn't think you guys will need an ex machina to get you out. But here we are." The guy said.

"Marco!!!" Jean exclaimed. "You're here!"

"Well I had to make sure you're not using the blast guns to rob some poor innocent people, but robbing an entire faction of triads and another one of Yakuza?! That's just beyond belief. But it's all good in my books, seeing as how they are quite evil." This Marco person stated.

"Guys, this is Marcus Bottnick. Call him 'Marco' for short." Jean introduced us. "Marco, this is Mikasa, Connie, Krista, Ymir and Annie."

"Nice to meet you guys. I was half expecting a group of jacked up dudes on steroids but I seem to be corrected." Marco exclaimed.

"Well, we're not your average group of friends." Annie replied.

"I can see that." He concurred. "Now I guess my job here is done, you guys can keep the weapons, make sure you leave the area as quick as possible, and all should be well and good. I'll take care of the rest." He said as he entered a black Audi R8.

Marco then rolled he window down and popped his head out of it.
"Jean! Say hi to your family! And you guys stay out of trouble now!"
He then rolled the window up again and left.

"Wow." Jean exclaimed. "He has one hell of an R8."

"Now what do we do?" Connie asked.

"Guys, we're not gonna go home today." I stated, making everybody look at me curiously.
"We're gonna go see someone special."

We all returned to the motels and packed our stuff. Andrew was then waiting for us in front of the van and I gave him directions of where to go. No one other than Annie knew where we are going but no one was objecting.

Connie, while inside the van and just 30 minutes after we left, was sent a text message by the mysterious person who sent us the location of the auction. The text made him stare blankly at the phone out of fear.
I took the phone out of his hand and read the text.

'Well done. Now you only have but one task to accomplish.'

I gave Connie his phone back and was left thinking about who this person might be and what he aims to accomplish. I could not think of any logical explanation that might be plausible for him to be helping us. But all I could think of is that I was glad he's on our side.

7 hours and 4 stops later, we ended up on the location we were heading to, and that location was none other than the humble abode of the one and only, German-American boy I'm in love with, Eren Yeager.

"Guys, this is it. Home of Eren Yeager." I stated, prompting replies of whoa and wow.

"Goddamn." Jean exclaimed.

"So? are we going to go inside or what?" Annie asked.

"Yea, we sure are." I said as I opened the van door and jumped out with the gang.

"I mean I hate to go unannounced but fuck it! We're here, baby!" Connie exclaimed.

I walked to the door and rang the doorbell. A few seconds went by before I looked at the camera that was looking at me from the corner of the ceiling. I waved at it and then pointed at the door while looking at it.

That's when I heard a click. I looked at the door and noticed it started to open. And then the person inside stepped out.

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