The Betrayal

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(A Few Weeks Later - Eren's POV)

"Ok." I said to myself. "I'm gonna catch her."

I was scared. I didn't want Mikasa to leave me. I couldn't live without her. I lived my whole childhood with her. Everything from the good to the bad, Mikasa was there next to me. And I was next to her as well. We were inseparable.
I couldn't just believe I was being cheated on.

I decided to track her. I found out that she's in the park... at midnight. I decided to go there. I knew that whatever I was going to find there wasn't gonna make me be too pleased, but I had no other choice. I wasn't planning to live my life in doubt, suspecting my girlfriend is cheating on me behind my back, with a side dude that's probably better than me.

I arrived at the park where she was supposed to be at. I was wearing black pants as well as black shoes and a black hoodie that covered my eyes. I needn't be spotted so I decided that an all black outfit would be best at night.

I entered the park and searched for Mikasa.
Taking light steps and trying to be as inconspicuous and unseen as possible, even though there was no one at the park, but it doesn't hurt to be safe.
I looked everywhere. Checked every corner. Looked around in every direction. But Not a single Raven-haired girl was in sight.

My phone started buzzing in my back pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the screen. I got a message from Armin.

Armin: Hey. Eren. Where are you?

Me: I'm at the park. Watchin Mikasa.

Then the next message was weird and not Normal from Armin. He knew something. Something even I didn't know.

Armin: Eren no! COME BACK! DON'T GO THERE!

Me: What?


I stopped texting Armin and looked for Mikasa. Armin somehow knew the outcome of whatever I was going to witness. We both knew it was something bad, but Armin sure knew more than I could have known.
I finally saw Mikasa sitting on a bench with a guy.

"So. That boyfriend of yours. Are you still gonna be with him?" The guy asked.

"No. I don't like him anymore. He's b-boring after all." Mikasa said.

'I...I... I'm... boring? Mi- Mikasa...' my mind thought.

"I'll t-tell him that we're over tomorrow." She said.

'No...' I couldn't believe the words I was hearing.

"You're my only love, you know that?" She said to the guy. "That idiot was just a means to an end. He's no more than an insufferable fool."

"I'll love you forever. Mikasa Ackerman" The guy said.

Oh my god... no...

Then her face got closer to his. Her lips touched his. They started to make out right in front of me. They kept at it for a while before they decided to leave.

I ran out of there as quick as I can. I couldn't believe my eyes. Mikasa did the unthinkable. This must be a nightmare.

'How can she do this to me?!' I thought as I ran.


I ran back home and closed the door behind me and ran to my room. I closed the door and locked it. I then fell on my bed crying.

"HOW CAN SHE DO THIS?!" I yelled to myself .

I saw a message from Armin on my phone.

Armin: Eren! Eren! Are you okay?!

I didn't reply. I just kept crying.

"Why, Mikasa, Why?! How can you do this?! We've been together since childhood! How can you cheat on me like that?!" I said with my bedsheets muffling my voice as I cried my anger out.

Armin called. I answered.

"Yea?!" I said.

"Eren! Are you okay? I... saw what Mikasa did. I'm so sorry." Armin said.

"She cheated on me Armin! Cheated on me!" I said.

"Eren calm down! ... Eren?! EREEEN!!"

I hung up and continued crying.

'Is it true? ... that even a fair love can warm a cold heart? Well my heart isn't just cold. It's destroyed. And I cannot even be myself anymore after that night.'

'How can I be myself after I discovered that the most important woman in my life was just using me? Manipulating me?! Cheating on me?! And never even loved me in the first place!'

Mikasa... You broke My heart... And I'll fix it myself.

That... is my promise.

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