The last letter - M

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(Mikasa's POV)

Knocking on the door, I waited. After the ringing of the bell and looking at the camera I knew that someone was gonna open the door. I really wanted it to be Eren. I wanted to see him so bad. And then, just then, a sound of a click caught my ears. I looked at the door, my heart beating as fast as a goddamn speeding jet.

And that's when he came out, my childhood friend, not Eren, but Armin.

"Oh my god..." he said as his eyes met mine.

"M-M-Mikasa?!" He said as the smile widened on his face. He ran and hugged me and I hugged back.

"I missed you!" I exclaimed. "I missed you so much!"

When we broke off the hug he noticed the others and went to greet them.

"How are you, Armin! Long time no see!" Ymir exclaimed.

"You grew an inch or two!" Jean stated.

And then I asked the question that is on all our minds.

"Armin?" I asked. He turned around to face me. "Where's Eren?"
The smile on his face was gone and replaced by a forced one that displayed his feeling of awkwardness.

"I, uh, I... I wish I knew, really." He replied.

"What?" We all asked at the same time, confused by that answer.

"Come in! Come in and I'll tell ya!"

We all went inside his house with me feeling a scant satisfaction that I get to know what Eren is up to.
The house itself was large, very large. Three floors excluding the ground floor that apparently we were not on. The house itself has a studio apartment vibe.
The entrance door leads to a large living area with a kitchen a few steps away from the living area and stairs to the bedroom to the left of the entrance. The kitchen had a nice counter and an adjacent island. In front of it, a door that leads to the deck that is just above the infinity pool area in the first floor balcony. I didn't get to check the rooms but I was sure I would be blown away.

We all sat in the living room area while Armin went to the kitchen to grab some stuff. He came back with loads of bags filled with bags of chips and then he came back with soda cans and was making popcorn with their very own popcorn machines. They had two that were placed next to each other and were making popcorn every quick.

Armin then finished and then sat down next to us.

"So where was I? Oh yea! Why Eren isn't here. So a few weeks prior to you coming here, Eren had a small 'accident'." Armin explained?

"What?! What accident? What happened?!" I explained.

"Well he just... tried to jump from the deck to the pool and hit his arm while diving and broke his shoulder and some parts of his arm. At the time I was just returning from the local game store, which sells at great prices by the way, back home and heard Eren screaming his lungs off. Rushing to him I found him next to the pool, lying on the ground and holding his left shoulder. I called 911 and we took him to the hospital. There I called Eren's mom and she rushed in to check on him. They had to perform a surgery to fix his shoulder so they took him to his dad Grisha's hospital where he is supposed to be recovering right now. He stays at his father's place and tasked me with keeping an eye on this house while he's gone. I go there from time to time but I think they are taking him away to perform yet another surgery to fix what's left. I mean bones and stuff are not my expertise, so... yea." He continued explaining.

"Where is he? Tell us, Armin!" I asked.

"Like I said I don't know where. He didn't tell me and he's not answering is phone. He probably was moved hastily and did not manage to get to me. His mom is pretty mad at him and the only thing she does all day is taking care of him while his father works. And I am here all by myself." Armin answered.

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