More Than Friends

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(Mikasa's POV)

Sitting in the living room in the morning, drinking my coffee and watching TV, I waited for Connie to come by. We started to become close friends and are way friendlier to each other than before.

We decided to stop hunting for Eren and just decide to not do anything for the time being. I was not a fan of the decision at all, but I believed it was for the best.

Connie arrived at my door and rung the bell. I walked up to the door, opened it and greeted my fiend as usual. As I was doing that I spotted my mom arriving from work and driving the car to the driveway, which is made from bricks, paid for by our immense fortune.

Connie looked at the car and back at me. And as we walked inside the living room he asked:
"Uh, I know this isn't a typical question to ask, but why doesn't your mom have a personal driver?"

My mind instantly flashed the image of Mr. Meyers inside my head.

"Oh yeah... about that." I said as I sat down next to Connie while he pulled out his phone.

"See, we did, but... ah, it's a long story..." I stated.

"So let's hear it." He said.

"Okay... So long before I met any of you and when I just moved into town and all that, right after we finished building the villa and moved out of the house next to Eren's. My dad had hired a personal 'Chauffeur' as my mom would say. You see dad also hired his wife as the house maid. They were just below the middle class, but they were very good at their job." I started to explain.

"So what happened?" Connie asked.

"After a while, like maybe a year and a half, give or take. A necklace, a very expensive one, which was a family heirloom. It costs around $200,000 and it was very dear to my parents. See, one day it has gone missing. Mr. Meyers at the time was in debt for some reason, I can't remember. My mom noticed that both him and his wife have been eyeing it for a while and I once did notice them too. So my dad put two and two together and he decided to threaten them. He gave them two days to bring it back before he'd call the cops on them. They pleaded him to reconsider and claimed time and time again that they didn't steal a thing. My dad didn't buy it and called the cops, only for them to find nothing that could prove that they did it, but my dad fired them regardless. And I've never seen or heard from them since. They once mentioned that they had a son... though I never met him." I explained.

"Wow... that's unbelievable!" Connie exclaimed "Did you manage to find the heirloom?"

"No. Unfortunately it's lost forever." I replied.

"Do you believe that they stole it?" He asked.

"I believe that they might be innocent, after all I've never seen anything but kindness from them. They were always nice and kind to everyone." I explained.

"Alright... anyway I came here with news. Sasha is pretty mad that you don't talk to her much and blamed me for it!" Connie exclaimed.

"What?" I asked.

"It's true! Can you go talk to her?" He asked.

"Wait why did she tell you that? Why not come to me directly?"

"I don't know! But can you talk to her and let her get off my back?!"

"I'll see what I can do."

I whipped up my phone and dialed Sasha's number. I held the phone to my ear and waited. There was no response.

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